How can we have inventory item name in Sale order report
Result with No Inventory Name
No one can debug your report when they can only see part of the Report Definition - no idea what has been included or excluded can be got from what you have posted so far
You should always start Custom Report without any group by clause or even Order by to ensure that you are getting the correct info before you sort and group
@Syed_Salman_Ali unfortunately I don’t think that this is possible.
There’s another discussion at the moment whether SOs should appear in invoice lines or headers. Currently, SOs appear only with headers so should will only appear on the A/R entry.
To test this you can add accounts to Select section and share what you get.
Actually, only transactions that affect the accounts can be used in Custom Reports - so the information on a Sales Order is not available unless a Sales Invoice is associated witgh the Sales Order and even then only infornation on the Sales Invoice is available
What exactly are you trying to do?
@Joe91 Simply i am trying to have a report in which i can see the SO details, specially items details ordered by customer.
For that you will have to rely on the listings in the Sales Order tab as the custom report will only have information on actual sales and not orders
In simple words