Inventory Item dual prices (B2B & B2C)

Dear Sir,

Thank you for the efforts which you and your team are doing!
Kindly advise the possibility of having 2 types of prices :
1- B2C price which is the standard master
2- B2B price as the secondary optional price
so as I imagine it can be like:
1- Customer type in the customer profile (Business or Retail)
2- 2 columns for prices in inventory (B2C & B2B)
3- In the sales invoice, once I choose the customer, Prices come from the inventory table as per his classification as Business or Retail.
I know that theoretical requests look simple and it is very complicated in the back end, but it is just a step on the road.

(edited based on response and actions @Yaser)
The forum rules explain that you need to post one topic per discussion, you have 2 subjects so I would advise you to split this topic and create a second topic with a different title (e.g. Automated fixed discount customers).

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There are already several posts about this subject, the most recent one being this one. There’s a reason the FAQ indicates that before starting a new post you have to search the forum and consult the guides.

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Thank you!
I was searching for different words, but the subject is the same from different point of view