Inventory Item Batch creation

Please advise how can I update the inventory items Qty on hand through batch creation.
I have put Number in the “StartingBalanceQty” but still Qty on Hand showing zero.
could you pleas help.

First, did you read and follow instructions in this Guide exactly: Manager Guides?

Second, you mention updating. You cannot update quantities with Batch Create, only with Batch Update.

Third, you should not really be using batch operations for updating quantities, if that is what you are doing, because your Inventory on hand balance will be wrong and your books won’t balance.

Can you provide more information about exactly what you are doing and why?

Yes I did. I followed the instructions from the guide.
Actually I’m not updating existing items, I’m opening new business in manager desktop edition.
So I need to create suppliers and customer opening balances , and I need to enter more than 200 items with quantity on hand with three store location to avoid update the items manually one by one.
is this possible ? please advise

Supplier and customer starting balances should only be set if money is owed (one direction or another) unrelated to purchase or sales invoices. In other words, you only enter a starting balance for a customer, for example, if you have done something like promise them a credit on their first purchase. See this Guide: Manager Guides.

If you have actual invoices on which money is owed, you must create those invoices, with dates that precede your start date. If you are starting a new business, however, this will not be the case. This situation only arises when you are migrating an ongoing business from another accounting system.

A good idea is to enter one item, then go through the Batch Update process to see what the typical content of the various columns looks like. Then Batch Create to enter the rest. Unfortunately, the starting balance location does not seem to work in Batch Create. I will enter a bug report about that. But even if it did work, you can only enter starting balance at a single inventory location. After that, you must use Inventory Transfer module to move inventory to other locations or individually edit locations. The good news is you only have to do it once.

Thanks for the advise, It would really help.