Include boundaries in "is between" filter in advanced search

Manager desktop version
Advanced search on sale invoices

It seems there is an inconsistancy with the advanced search: “issue date” “is between”.
Is it normal that the selected FROM date is included but the TO date selected is exclude.?

just to complete after test, FROM date also seems to be exclude (it means you need to select one day before to have the date needed)

opération on 2023-04-30 will not appear
opération on 2023-04-01 and 2023-04-30 will appear in selection

Advanced search also return blank result (doesn’t select nothing) when applied from another page than the first page of sale invoice list

There are three options on the Issue Date search
is between
is before “date”- only transaction before the date ie transactions on the the date are excluded
is after “date” - only transaction after the date ie transactions on the the date are excluded

The “is between” is an amalgamation of the “is before” and “is after” and so is not strictly correct to use “is between” which most people would expect would include transactions on the dates selected

Whether this is a bug or not depends on how pedantic you are - I would consider it a bug

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Very good point @Joe91.

I think the expected behavior for between is to include the boundaries.

I’m going to place this in ideas.

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I agree. In between should be inclusive range. Fixed in the latest version (