In Manager, reports can be created for different periods, even with different criteria.
I’ve been using Manager for 12 years now, and I like to keep my past periodic/annual reports saved as they are.
Obviously, whatever report I decide to run, I now have a long list of all historic reports ever made.
Example : in Reports / TAX summaries I have 4 quarterly reports per year, so my list is now becoming very long.
And this is the same for most of my reports.
It would be nice if we could create a sub-fulder by year under each type of report, so that once the year is closed, we simply drag all the reports of that year into the year folder.
This way, whenever we select a report, the current reports are immidiately visible, while the historic reports can still be found in the sub-folders.
In my case, each folder would hold 4 quarterly reports, but this may as well be 12 monthly reports for others
Although your idea is not very different from the one you made and gotten an answer to:
the case is different. In this new case it is important to note that reports are always generated on the fly and not stored as documents. As such there are no files or folders.
You could consider saving each of these views to your local file-system that you were advised on for documents that you were attaching at:
In our businesses we only keep the bare essentials to quicker view them, but rather than aging them we just edit the dates and descriptions based on the viewing needs and save and send them to accounts on request.
Yes, I agree with these points of view. I do keep an original of all required reports separately on file.But at same time I leave all the reports in their original place in teh report section. Folders (or finding a way to separate reports between current and previous years just would) kust keep in my opinion the “active reports” easier to look at…
Manager still remains my all time best accounting platform
Remembering what @eko already said about reports being generated on the fly every time they are viewed, it seems you would be better off using the Search features to find a report you want to view.