Importing bank statement

Hi, I’m trying to import my bank statement. The only option my bank has is a CSV file. When I choose file it is putting a message “CSV file is missing “Date” column” although the bank says there is a date column. Anything I can do, or is back to manually transferring the info? tia

This has been addressed many times on the forum. Search on, for example, “csv bank import”. Once such thread that may help is:

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I have the same experience!!
The *.swi Bank statements where always properly accepted but since oktober the cause an ERROR.
After that I have tried the *.csv files with the same error "CSV file is missing "Date"column.
My bank said there is nothing chanced with the statements
Is there something changed in ???

I’ve managed to fix mine now. I opened them on excel, then deleted all the information (bank name, sort code, account number etc. ) that was on the top. Date, description, amount etc must be on very top line. Hope this helps. I also deleted extra rows that included page breaks and the running totals as well…just for good measure. Then save as a CSV file and away to go…hopefully :slight_smile:

If you are using the dutch ING bank, you can download an application called ING2ofx and that will convert your CSV file to OFX and you can automatically import that without manually altering anything. All you have to do is specify the date conversion and thousands separator to match the ones used in

We are using the Dutch RaboBank. I am afraid that they don’t have something similar.


If Rabobank also exports a .csv file you could always try to use the program and see whether it works. In the worst case it doesn’t recognise the columns and the file won’t be created.

For private accounts, Rabo only offers a txt-file. When you have a business-account, they offer the mt940 format
I have an Excel-sheet that offers the possibility to convert the Rabo txt file to a qif file which can be imported in Manager.
I can’t upload this file to the forum.
In case you are interested, send me a private message.

Kind regards,


Hi Hennie,

The first good news in weeks! The mt940 format is not accepted by Manager, the same is by the txt-file.

I am very very very pleased if you would so kind to send me that Excel sheet.

Kind regards, Henk

@henkvandeveiling, if you are replying to the forum by email, please delete previous message before sending. I have edited your last post for you

Thank you very much!!

Hallo Hennie,

Outlook heeft de sheet niet meegebracht. Wil je hem alstublieft toesturen per WeTransfer?

Alvast bedankt,


@Hennie & @henkvandeveiling - can you keep your Dutch language communication to Private Messaging - Alstublieft.

In addition, if using email, then delete previous forum content before posting - Alstublieft

Dear Hennie,

I have the same problem as Henk. I would be very pleased if I could use your Excel sheet too. Would it be possible for you to send it to me?

Kind regards,
