Import Bank Statement location

In the more recent versions the “Import Bank Statement” has moved from the dropdown at the top(now removed) to a button at the bottom.
Would it be possible for it to return to the top please?

The way our business runs I import the bank statement each Friday and then code all the transactions. Cash transactions do not occur so it is rare for us to use New Receipt or Payment. It is not a big issue it was just nice to not have to scroll to the bottom.
Thanks Kate

In the Receipts & Payments tab, importing is a secondary function, so the button is at the bottom. If you follow the first method listed in this Guide for importing a statement, it is a primary function for the Bank Accounts tab, and the button is at the top.

Thanks Tut
I suppose I am too use to other software that rarely updates their guides.

The import feature is not at the top of the Bank Accounts tab but after you select the Statement Balance total so I would never have found it just using the software.
So two scrolls vs three clicks.
Maybe a favourites bar… No I have not searched for that yet. Thanks again

Three tips, @KateG:

  1. When on any screen in Manager, turn on the Learn how to… links at the bottom. This will apply throughout the program. Links to relevant Guides will be shown:


  1. The Guides are on the web. So you can put any Guide onto your browser’s favorites bar.

  2. Use the Search box on the Guides web page: It works quite well.