This might create difficulty. A date is a date. But when was “receipt” after an invoice has been around in an inbox for a few days/weeks/months? I think it is better to have all invoices with the same content.
Yeah, I agree on that point.
Having a due date seems ‘pushy’ in the business that I am in. But this really isn’t a showstopper and I can live with the ‘due date’ being shown - just wanted to know if there was a way to remove it without @Tut suggestion of using a custom theme (I wouldnt have a clue where to start with conditional logic!).
The way Manager displays columns etc is that if there is nil content then that column isn’t shown - couldn’t this also apply to the invoice? ie if nothing entered then don’t display due date ta all.
Still loving Manager
Out of curiosity, in what business would due date be considered “pushy”?
My issue with due date not showing was that people have been using invoices for things that have not been invoices in the first place such as quotes or pro-forma invoices.
If payment is “optional”, then it’s really a quote or pro-forma invoice. Not a real invoice.
Manager will insist on something being entered in there. If nothing is entered, Manager will automatically put something in there so it’s never empty. And this is why I’m asking why this shouldn’t be the case.
Any business where your word is your bond, or where you have long-term and close relationships with your clients and where money isn’t the most important part of that relationship.
Due date was not there a couple of months ago - now it is forced on us.
if you are ok with customizing your theme, you can follow the simple steps in the below post to remove due date.
@sharpdrivetek - Thanks, it works!!!