Ideas - New report for Inventory Item

Dear @lubos,

can you please consider the implementation of a Inventory Value for Period report?

I mean a report that has the same columns of Inventory Value standard one but, for lines, many different settable periods showing or the totals of the inventory item or the amounts of a specific item.

How are you going to fit all that on a page?

I make an example. Let’s say that for four periods I have these values:

If I choose to have the Inventory Value for these periods (I can set for each line “from” and “to” like in the P&L) without selecting a specific Item I will have:

If I choose to have the Inventory Value for these periods for Item 0017 (I can choose a specific Item like a I can choose a specific account in the GLT report) I will have:

I think that this report can be very useful to read the evolution of the inventory during different periods. I usually do this by hand but it can be easily implemented.

I originally thought you meant that for all lines (inventory items) you would show all periods, stretching horizontally.

If someone has a better idea to show this kind of report is welcome. Unfortuantelly we are talking of three dimensions (periods / items / balances) an so it will always end up with a long report if we want to show all these values.