Idea: Improvement in summary page

Dear @lubos

In summary page > Income section > inventory sales

when i click blue number beside inventory sales , it shows me a list of sales and credit note transactions in selected P&L period. (very nice)

in this list of transactions we see these headers
Date Transaction # Description Contact Qty Debit Credit Balance

in the above picture i can see total debit value and credit value at the bottom …
But i also prefer to see total quantity also .

According to me this helps us in seeing total quantity of sales very easily
No need to create inventory summary by quantity & inventory summary by value reports.


create a new sales report or inventory report just by selecting
Date range , Group by , order by, Rename report


total quantity in what UOM?
numbers? kilograms? metres?

what UOM would you prefer when you have sales items with different UOM?

in my case all my quantities are in cartons…

i just want to see a total number as i marked red in picture from the above post.

I wouldn’t wait for this - it will not be implemented as it would be a complete nonsense for a lot of businesses

yes, i agree.

but if i make inventory report based on quantity
it shows all the items including raw maerials but i want to see my sales of finished products only