Accounting Manager has a really great feature to use when you want to find a transaction. You know the transaction involved one of your many cash accounts. It might be one of your credit cards, PayPal, or a bank account. Instead of having to open each cash account and searching, you can go to the Cash Accounts page (see picture) and click the “Find & Recode” button in the bottom right.
I wanted to clone a transaction. I was not sure which cash account was involved or when the transaction was. So, in the Cash Accounts page, I clicked “Find & Recode”. The Find and Recode page appeared (see picture).
The picture shows an example of typing in “Mile” to get all the transactions, regardless of cash account, for Seven Mile Market. What I actually typed was “Shab” to find transactions for Shabsi’s. I found the transaction I wanted to clone was about 3 months ago. However, I cannot clone it from here. I can see which cash account to search, view, and clone. That is useful. However, I will still have to do something like go back to the cash accounts page, go into the desired cash account and do exactly the same search again.
I think it would be nifty to have View buttons on the “Find & Recode” page. So, if I am looking for a transaction to clone, I could view, then edit or clone, whichever I want.
I don’t know, but maybe this idea is already on the list to implement. Or maybe there are some better ideas than this one to accomplish the same purpose. I have found several times that once I try the Manager Accounting way to do something, I prefer it. Cloning is just such an example. Once I tried cloning, I did not miss the “Memorized Transactions” that I used in my previous accounting program.
So, I’m interested whether others also would like View and Clone from the Find and Recode page, or whether there’s an even nicer shortcut to cloning already implemented.