how to set lines account in batch create journal entry
The Lines.Account contains the key to the accounts you want to post the entry to
Each cell can contain one or more entries - you can use Batch Update to see what entries you will need
But why do you want to use Batch Create to enter journal entries - journal entries are rarely needed in Manager?
For example, this one has 12 entries
You need to place a carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) between each UUID in a single cell. You will also need to do that for every line field including the amount.
Practically, you can insert the following formula fragment to separate lines within a single cell:
& char(13) & char(10) &
A post was split to a new topic: Import chart of accounts
can you record step how to do it? i dont understand please
This is no longer how batch create works. Separate lines are now encoded as separate columns. To test this you can create a Journal Entry and Batch update it to see the new structure.