How to set custom templates as default templates for printing


I have created a custom template for my Tax invoices and another for Sales quotes. Is it possible to have them set as default templates? I noticed that whenever I set my Tax invoices template for printing invoices, if I switch to sales quotes, the preview stays as tax invoice. Any workarounds available to have them set as I explained?

Thank you for all your help

No, you cannot set default themes for individual forms. The entire point of themes is that they apply to all forms. However, you may have been too heavy-handed in modifying the theme code.

First question: Did you substitute the form title Tax Invoice or are you using a built-in tax code that makes that substitution for you? (Some built-in tax codes, where it is known that regulations require a sales invoice to be titled tax invoice, make that substitution without user intervention.)

Second question: If you substituted the title, did you do a brute force approach (which is what it sounds like) or did you use a replace filter? The latter technique will not change titles of other forms unless they contain the work Invoice. See this Guide:

Third question: If your regulations require use of the title Tax Invoice, have you tried just using your country’s built-in tax code? Does it change the form title on the default theme? If so, you don’t need the custom theme just to change the title. If not, but local law actually requires the title Tax Invoice, let us know so the program can be updated. Furnish a legal citation from your tax authority.

Hi Tut,

Thank you for your prompt response… I did change the title to Tax Invoice (Tax Invoice) and am not using the built-in codes. I can have a look at the Australian tax codes on the latest update as the previous version did not have the options. for instance there is a tax code for clients without ABN which has a 46.5% tax rate. Also for non GST registered businesses, the invoice still has to show GST 0%.

I will have a look at the tax codes on the latest update and see how the invoices behave. As far as I know the law requires the title to show Tax Invoice, but I will check and confirm.


Requirements of tax invoices

Tax invoices for taxable sales of less than $1,000 must include enough information to clearly determine the following seven details:

that the document is intended to be a tax invoice
the seller's identity
the seller's Australian business number (ABN)
the date the invoice was issued
a brief description of the items sold, including the quantity (if applicable) and the price
the GST amount (if any) payable – this can be shown separately or, if the GST amount is exactly one-eleventh of the total price, as a statement such as 'Total price includes GST'
the extent to which each sale on the invoice is a taxable sale (that is, the extent to which each sale includes GST)    
    Example 1, below, meets this requirement because the sale is clearly identified as being fully taxable by the words 'total price including GST'
    Example 2 meets this requirement in two ways: it shows the GST included in each line item (see column with the GST amount), and the sale is clearly identified as being fully taxable by the words 'the total price includes GST'.

In addition, tax invoices for sales of $1,000 or more need to show:

the buyer's identity or ABN

If your tax invoices meet the requirements for sales of $1,000 or more, you can also use them for sales of lesser amounts.

Example 1: Tax invoice for a sale under $1,000

An example of a tax invoice that meets requirements 1 to 7 above

Example 2: Tax invoice for a sale of more than $1,000

An example of a tax invoice that meets requirements 1 to 8 above

Hi Tut,
I followed the steps on the article and that fixed the Tax Invoice title for invoices and quotes. The only issue is the footer. I modified the template to have the payment cutaway. Unfortunately this is showing on the quote because it is hard coded on the template

If you search the forum, you will find some examples from other users of form-specific if/then code that would be adaptable to your situation. But the easiest thing is to create another custom theme without the payment advice. Use the one with for sales invoices and the one without for other things. I myself have two custom themes with different padding, because my printer driver imposes its own view of printable area on the code when printing directly. So I end up with different margins. So I choose my theme according to whether I am printing directly, emailing, or saving a PDF.

I think you are confusing different unrelated tax situations.

For your Sales Invoices you only need to set up one template which covers both under & over 1000 and if you are registered for GST then it needs to have the heading Tax Invoice.

For sales under 1000, you just need to complete less detail - for instance you might use “Counter Sale” as the Customer, whereas for over 1000 you need to use a real Customer name

Your Sales Invoices (Tax Invoices) have absolutely nothing to do with your clients ABN Status.
EG: if you sell a product to a pensioner (no ABN) for 550 inc GST, they “pay you” 550 - end of story.

The ABN and GST registration statuses are ONLY applicable where businesses send you their invoices for you to make payment - your Purchase Invoices.

If you engage and pay a contractor to install your products then:
a) if you receive a “Tax Invoice” you claim the GST and pay the invoice in full
b) if you receive an “Invoice” with an ABN, no GST is claimable (0%) and pay the invoice in full
c) if you receive an “Invoice” with “no” ABN, no GST is claimable and 46.5% is deduct from the payment.

The 46.5% is a Withholding Tax and therefore has nothing to do with the Settings - Tax Codes

Thank you for your reply. I did confuse the no ABN with the GST. cheers