Hi everyone. I want to know if there is an option to disable those messages in the bottom in the invoice. I don’t like to print an invoice with the “Overdue” or “Paid in Full” message (I already know that is overdue or paid")
You will need a custom theme to do it. Delete lines 68-74 of the Plain theme code.
Also, notice that these stamps only appear on the Plain theme. If you use another built-in theme, they will not be there.
Thanks @Tut.
I deleted lines 68-74 and nothing happened. The messages still there. Maybe it’s because it is not apply yet?
I tried applying another built in theme but nothing happened too. I clicked on View (the custom theme), then Edit, and click on active. Then I go to sales invoice and there is no custom theme applied. The Plain theme still there
The custom theme must be selected for the individual invoice by editing it and selecting which theme you want to use. You can use Form Defaults to set a default custom theme.
It worked @Tut. Thank you so much