Home Owners Association

We are a HOA (Home Owners Association) and we really like this program and wondering if there are any HOA’s that are currently using this software that we can talk to regarding how they have it setup for their HOA.
Thank You

Lets us know your particular or specialist needs and see if others with broad accounting knowledge can assist

The company I work for deals with sectional titles, Body Corporates and Home Owners Associations. If you want to use this program to charge levies to the unit owners then I would rather recommend looking into software designed especially for sectional titles, unless Lubos would look into adding those type of modules to the software. If you only wish to use the program to record monies in and out and operating costs, then this program should cover what you require.

If the HOA isn’t too big, you could use the recurring invoice module to bill the owners, but it could be a lot of work when dealing with larger numbers as a levy run can get rather messy.

Could you not use Special Accounts to manage levies etc. This feature has just been introduced and may actually work for that. Unfortunately I know nothing about HOA’s so don’t know if its applicable.

I’d have to look into the special accounts, as I haven’t used those. The software we use at my office is UniBase, which was written for sectional titles. You have to remember when working with sectional titles and audits, one of the documents that will be requested is a levy roll, which is compiled according to certain criteria, with a full breakdown of levies, special levies, and recoveries. From what I’ve seen with Manager, the debtors report doesn’t give those details, and you would have to do individual invoices for that data.

Lubos might be able to correct me, or if you can create a custom report, you might be able to work around it.

Hello Brucanna,
Our HOA has 250 homeowners, on the 1st of every month, (late if not received by the 10th.), are require to pay monthly HOA dues of $35.00. The late fee is $25.00.
Our record keeping system must indicate/show when payments for the monthly HOA are received for each homeowner and when they are late. In addition to others charges that have been applied such as late fees. We also have a Community Building that we rent out to our homeowners for a usage fee of $25.00 per day which is non-refundable.

Our expenses that we have are very basic and are monthly such as grounds maintenance (11 acres), water for the grounds, utilities for the Community Building, office supplies, postage and delivery etc.
Hope this helps give a better in-depth knowledge of our HOA financial layout and to aid us in determining if this program will work for us. Which we feel that it will.
Thank You

This is what I’d suggest too. That way invoices to homeowners are generated automatically each month and it’s easy to track who has paid and who didn’t. Also when you set up bank rules, imported bank transactions can be automatically allocated to correct homeowners as well.

You can generate customer statements which will show these details.

Hi. I am trialing Manager for Body Corp accounting and am learning every month something new. Qty was assigned the Unit Entitlement per lot, and Price as the levy. But last week i discovered that if you enter the Sales Unit Price in the Settings menu as the levy per UE, then you dont have to enter that with every invoice. The item sold is given a code eg 2016-Q1 and the price per UE is automatically entered in invoices.
Producing custom reports to comply with strata legislation is proving impossible as Lubos isnt allowing Custom Reports as yet. I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR 8 MONTHS and hopr he will give us the ability to report data as we must.
All the best.