History tab issues


I installed the latest release of Manager today, saw the changes in the history tab, but encountered 2 issues:

  1. The user dropdown menu is empty, although multiple users have registered actions in history tab, is there a place to activate the users so history can be filtered properly?

  2. If I filter “Create” or “Delete” in history tab, the list starts from the oldest to the newest entries, while it shows newest first if “Update” is selected or if no selection is made, was this intentional?

Can I add to the list, I updated to the latest version as well and I see the same issue with the User filter.

When the bug is resolved, this will be a great enhancement. However, I am missing the Search field which existed before the two new filters. It would be great to have the two filters and the Search field. Was this left out intentionally? If so, can I make a suggestion to add the Search field back, it provides a user the ability to search for history on specific transaction types.

First, writing “latest release” is pointless, because there are often several releases in a single day. What actual versions are you using?

Second, what edition (desktop, server, or cloud)?

Third, although the History file will show users for older transactions, it will not display them in the user filter list until they have entered transactions after the user filter was added.

Fourth, @sigmas55’s description of list order (issue #2) is not correct. Whether filtering for Create, Update, Delete, or showing all actions, the list order is newest to oldest. In other words, all are in reverse date order.

Fifthe, @Morne_Kruger, the removal of the Search function was announced weeks ago. It was necessary for technical reasons, so it will not be restored. Its removal was one of the reasons the two filters were added.


Release 21.7.57
Desktop version

Clear for the “user” query.

Regarding ordering issue, here is a screenshot when “Create” is selected:

There is no concept of “user” for the desktop version - it is single user

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The search was a great feature back in the day, however it’s not needed any more.

Right now, you can:

  • Audit user activity by applying filter in history.
  • Audit operation by applying filter in history.
  • Audit transaction by viewing it’s own history in the view mode for that particular transaction.

What are you trying to achieve that’s not currently possible?

Nothing, I accepted Tut’s explanation.

Actually, although the desktop edition is single user, the user filter will still list that single user once an action has been entered (after the user filter was added). It’s useless, but still works.

Interesting. Here is what I see, in both desktop and cloud editions with that version number:

Screen Shot 2021-08-02 at 4.21.25 PM

What operating system are you using? And what is your default browser?

Tut, please assist me to understand the difference between the two examples of History, in your example on the same version you have separate Receipt and Payment entries, on sigmas55’s example he has “Payment or Receipt” entries, why is this?

@Morne_Kruger, my example shows the most recent actions first. These were all entered after the separation of the combined Receipts & Payments tab into separate tabs. They now have separate entry forms. So a receipt shows as Receipt and payment shows as Payment.

@sigmas55’s example shows the oldest actions first. Those were all entered before the combined tab was split. At that time, receipts and payments shared a common entry form. So either transaction type would show as Payment or Receipt.

The question remains what causes @sigmas55’s History file to display in reverse order when action filters are applied.

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Chrome is my default browser.

I have Windows 10 Pro build 19043.1110

I opened the same business account of manager on another laptop, it displayed all history and filters correctly (newest first) except for Delete filter, Delete is still showing oldest first. Then back at my main PC where I first reported the issue, now all show up correctly except for Delete filter just like the laptop.

@sigmas55, try changing your default browser. More problems reported by Manager users that were ultimately traced to browser issues have been attributed to Chrome than any other browser.

@Tut Just changed default browser to Edge, then to Firefox, but the issue persisted in both changes, still all show newest to oldest except for when “Delete” is selected.

@Joe91, can you or another Windows user test the list order when an action filter is applied in History? I cannot, because I’m on a Mac.


I just tried. In all cases, it’s showing newest to oldest. So, what’s the issue in such display? Is it expected to show in reverse order that is, oldest to newest?

There is no issue in what you report, @sonicgroup. That is the expected behavior: newest to oldest. The issue is that @sigmas55 sees oldest to newest in some cases, although @sigmas55’s reported behavior and screen shots have varied and contradicted one another as this thread has progressed.

@sigmas55, your reports of behavior have changed since your first post. As I understand it, you are now reporting that the unfiltered History file and versions filtered for Create, Update, and Email show reverse date order (newest to oldest). But when a Delete filter is applied, you see oldest to newest. If that is correct, can you please post a screen shot with the Delete filter applied?

Indeed, at first I had the issue with “Create” & “Delete” filters applied, but then “Create” seems to have corrected itself somehow, yet “Delete” filter is still showing in reverse, check below:

Update to this, I just created a bunch of deletes and they showed up first, so Delete filter apply “Newest to oldest” on new entries only, while other filters apply on new and old entries.