Hiding item name and keeping only item description on the printed form


before, there was an option to show item description and to hide item name from documents printing, where has that option gone? I was happy with that, but now manager showing both of these columns on printing as below, how can I choose to display only item description column?

also, two blank cells appear before the totals? this is risky, and it can be used to make changes to my invoices, please fix the details table layout.

Check the box on inventory item Edit screens:

Screen Shot 2022-09-20 at 10.54.55 AM

You can update your existing items all at once using Batch Update, as has been explained in prior forum topics.

Those cells are blank by design. The first is below unit prices. Surely you would not want a total of all unit prices on a transaction, as that would be meaningless. The second is blank because the total appears on the very next line, labeled as Sub-total.

That entire line exists only because all items on the transaction have the same unit of measure, so they are totalled. If units of measure were mixed, that column total would not appear and the line would not be present.

No user can put anything into those cells. You need not worry about anyone changing invoices.

Check the box on inventory item Edit screens:

Screen Shot 2022-09-20 at 10.54.55 AM

You can update your existing items all at once using Batch Update, as has been explained in prior forum topics.

Thanks, that work for me, appreciated.

Those cells are blank by design. The first is below unit prices. Surely you would not want a total of all unit prices on a transaction, as that would be meaningless. The second is blank because the total appears on the very next line, labeled as Sub-total.

That entire line exists only because all items on the transaction have the same unit of measure, so they are totalled. If units of measure were mixed, that column total would not appear, and the line would not be present.

No user can put anything into those cells. You need not worry about anyone changing invoices.

I think these cells should be hidden if they do not contain a value, but to appear in this way, that’s what is meaningless.

I’m not worried about my users as they certainly won’t stuff these cells with something, but I have to worry that someone from outside might do it, think of it as a space that can be easily written on after I have printed, signed and stamped my invoice.

Any document can be tampered with by a malicious person. Who would do this? A customer who wants to pay more?

Yes, customers might do it and I want to protect my customers from themselves :grinning:

I don’t understand why you are defending a design failure instead of providing some help to make our invoices look normal Instead of this visual distortion! can’t manager just show the invoice as below instead of showing a blank cells?!!!

Manager_Invoice 2

You seem like you don’t have practical experience in how to maintain your documents from fraud.

You cannot. If a customer is determined to modify a printed invoice, or an electronic one, they can.

It is not a design failure. If you search the forum for similar topics, you will see that this feature was added because of user demand.

On the contrary, in two minutes I could modify any printed document you create to show different items, prices, or anything else. I could do the same with any document you send in electronic format. If you think removing this line on an invoice will stop anyone, you are sadly mistaken. The same is true of signatures and stamps. With modern technology, such forgery is trivial.

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