Hiding Employer Contribution on Payslip

I know this might not sound well, but can there be an option to hide employer’s contributions on a payslip. @lubos

No - in many, if not all, jurisdictions this would be illegal

Not in NZ in fact we don’t have to provide a payslip unless requested. 99% do but its not law.
I just remove it when I save payslip to PDF

In Ghana contribution statements can be obtained by employees from Organisations managing employee and employer pension contributions. So hiding it won’t really achieve anything.
Payslips are often requested from these pension management houses to process pension benefits so please show the contributions on the payslips

Nobody is suggesting to take them away but only make it an option to show or hide

Thanks for that information. It makes sense. Although they will have their records, they might want to compare it with the paying organization(employer) records too.

Hiding a contribution item on a payslip would produce a screen view or printed document that does not match your accounting records. In other words, you would be producing deliberately false information. Whether your purpose was malevolent or not, it would be extremely bad accounting practice.

@Tut I get it.

I knew you did, @Daniel_Arthur. My comment was directed more to @Wornout’s suggestion that showing the contributions be optional.

Of Cause it was

You create a payslip with full regards to the contribution and the accounting involved.
If the provided payslip, doesn’t show the contribution (because there is no legal requirement), then that just indicates that full disclosure of the contribution is not required.

To make the assumption that “lack of full disclosure” equates to “producing deliberately false information” just illustrates a lack of understanding in the difference between disclosure and falsification. Nothing has been falsified, it just hasn’t been disclosed.

You are twisting yourself into semantic knots, @Brucanna. I see no difference between producing deliberately false information and purposeful lack of full disclosure. Hiding materially significant accounting information misleads someone, whether that is the employee or an auditor. Under whose accounting standards or principles or code of ethics is that considered acceptable?

I decided to let this rest and not comment, but seriously speaking THERE IS A DIFFERENCE here. FALSE is something NOT TRUE, is that the case here? I do not think so. The INFORMATION is limited that’s all. I am not sure there is any law in my country to SHOW the employer’s contribution, I have seen some government payslips - it is not shown. However, good accounting practice makes it necessary. I stand to be corrected by @Abeiku who is a seasoned accountant in my country, whether it is MANDATORY by law to show it here in Ghana.

If you seriously believe that, then my comment “just illustrates a lack of understanding in the difference between disclosure and falsification” has been totally vindicated.

Then please re-read my response above.

Lets look at this example, a person’s full name is James Harry John Smith.
When ask for their name the response is James Smith.
Now the person hasn’t deliberately falsified their name, they just purposefully didn’t provide full disclosure of their middle names.

Same as with the topics payslip, there was nothing to suggest that the payslip was being deliberately falsified, they just wanted to discover if there was an option of not disclosing the contributions.

Just as the person took the option of not disclosing their middle names.
As I have previously stated - “Nothing has been falsified, it just hasn’t been disclosed”

When the law of a country permits the limiting of disclosure to occur.

Totally agree.

I think it may depends on particular use case, in particular what a reasonable person would assume when the information was supplied.

For example when a item is purchased at a local shop the customer does not need to take a receipt but if one is taken and provide it has to include all the items purchased, deliberately excluding items for the advantage or the retailer would be illegal in jurisdictions I’m aware of.

Similarly with a payslip. If the information to be hidden is not normally shown on a payslip produced by most other software but is in Manager because of a work around to support local taxation and reporting requirement then hiding it (as all other software does) would be appropriate. Payroll tax maybe an example in some jurisdictions

In contrast if a payslip is provided (irrespective if it is legal to not provide one at all) and information has been deliberately removed, which a reasonable employee would expect to be shown (ie in an attempt to deceive the employee), then that would be illegal in every jurisdiction I’m aware of. To be more specific, pay sheets have a total, deliberately falsifying the total by deleting line items is illegal.

In Australia at the moment doing this could be tried if an employer wanted to keep the JobKeeper payment.

This was taken from our NZ employment web site. It explains what is usually on our pay slips if you want to provide them. My point is not every jurisdiction has the same rules. So it would be nice to have the option to show/notshow. But hey at the end of the day Manager has bigger things to change/fix/add than this it is a small thing that can be removed in PDF format



@Wornout, thanks for the quote. The information you provided reinforces my point. While providing the payslip may be optional in New Zealand, note the comment: “…these are useful tools … to make sure that you and your employer have the same understanding of how the pay is made up.” A payslip, if provided, that left off contribution items would not give the employee the same understanding the employer has, since the employer has access to the record indicating contributions.

The second paragraph informs employees of their right to see and obtain copies of wage and time records. The reasonable interpretation is that employees have a right to all information concerning wages and time, not just the parts the employer wants to share. Imagine the animosity generated if an employee asked for full records and discovered a payslip didn’t match the company’s records.

My point was that you dont have to provide employer contributions if you dont want to only on request.Employees get this information in a monthly statement by the kiwisaver provider.
Any way as I said there are more important things to do for manager.I for one would like to see the GST return corrected for NZ that is