Hi, I have just updated the NZ GST Localization from Manager, now all of a sudden I find a heap of transactions in Suspense.
I really don’t know what to do with them. I have tried to update, but nothing happens, I have searched on the Manager guides but not to much info there. Has anyone else experienced this problem Im sure Im missing something quite simple, any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks Grandpa
Have you used the standard tax codes?
Check the tax code settings -it’s likely that the Tax account associated are incorrect
Tax codes seem to be OK. All was well until I updated NZ GST. Since update all GST transactions have ended up in Suspense, and I don’t know how to “get them out”.
Again many thanks.
There are topics in the forum aboout this - it is generally caused by the renaming of the tax liability account
You need to post screen images of the tax settings and of a tax transaction
The guide Create and use tax codes has further information on the change which was introduced in this area in November
Hi Joe91
Many thanks, will check all this out and report back.
Sorry I was wrong. In Chart of Accounts I have “edited” GST from drop the down list and selected to show, GST 15% and saved. Will keep reading for what I must have missed.
I have attached 3 of screenshots. There must be something else I’m missing to do.
@Grandpa, you need to show a screen shot of the Edit screen for the tax code itself.
Got it ! Many, many thanks Grandpa
No, that’s the list of tax codes. You have to click the Edit button.
Hi Tut
Found it, your above post prompted me. All now good
Many thanks
Hi Just wondering if @Grandpa you have exports/imports
you have exports/imports
No I don’t.
Thats ok then @grandpa because I have pointed out in the past that the import/export amounts were in the wrong place on the GST return but nobody took any notice of me so I reworked the return to put it in the right place
Hi Wornout,
Thanks for that.