Gray on Gray

I completely agree, Brucanna. Whenever the “solution” boils down to changing how you do everything else on your computer or changing to a different browser or any of those things, it’s the software that has the problem–actually, as evidenced by the word “solution.” The end user doesn’t in general care how the software is written or whether the design from the programmers’ POV is elegant. I know. I owned a decent-sized software company for years and the programmers often didn’t like deferring to the user-interface people’s specs, but it was necessary. I probably will use Manager, although I’m honestly not sure at this point. I wanted less hassle, not more.

Thanks, omickymouse. I’m pretty sure center-button zoom is also available on Mac. I just found the magnifying glass idea preferable. And thank you, too, Ocean. I would be fine with doing that. I just don’t want to. :slight_smile: Tut, IMO, the argument that it works better across platforms seems unrelated to a simple fix to lose the gray on gray. Some–even most–people might not have a problem with it, but some do. And that should matter–and should have been predictable, IMO.

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@Ocean that’s an extremely interesting suggestion and I am going to have a look at that! I currently use the desktop version but I do recall seeing a post somewhere about getting the desktop version to work in the browser and I tested it and it did work. If so, I could theme Manager to make it work better for me as while I can see properly, I am also not keen on light writing on light backgrounds as I think its bad for your eyes and I don’t care for the yellow colour either lol. Thank you for this suggestion. I will try it out if I can remember how to get desktop manager to work in browser.

@Brucanna I don’t know if its a case of wood from trees or more like planetary forests! I like the way you summed it up in one sentence!

Dear Sir
Please explain me details for color changes in
Manager. I am also difficult to this colour