After I upgraded it looks like the Foreign Exchange Rate gains (and losses) are not calculated anymore.
My Billable Expenses are not 0 anymore, while they used to be 0.
I don’t see any items for those anymore in Foreign exchange gains (losses)
I was able to reproduce this on a new business Steps to reproduce
Add Expense Claim Player in settings
Add Customer
Add 1 Foreign Currency
Add Exchange Rates
Add Expense Claim for Payer 1, Account Billable Expenses → Customer on 31/7/2020
Create invoice for this customer for uninvoiced items on 2/8/2020
Your sales invoice is for a date in the future, so Manager will ignore it until August 2nd arrives. Repeat your experiment with dates in the past and see what happens.
Also, most of your screen shots are too small to read.
Version 20.2.1 predated the current scheme for definitions of base and foreign currencies. Comparison of current behavior with any version prior to 20.2.35 is completely irrelevant with respect to foreign currencies and exchange rates. And, in fact, the new currency scheme has been modified even more recently. Further, several bugs have been fixed in the expense claims module since that time.
Rather than complain that something has changed since an obsolete version of the program, illustrate something you believe is an actual problem now, in a properly set up business. Explain why you think there is a problem and what you believe Manager should be showing instead.
I was able to balance the accounts again by creating a few journal entries and transferred the amount of foreign exchange gains and losses to Factureerbare kosten - Afgeboekt, down know the english name of this account.
I did already dropped my test database, but I did created a new test again where is reproduces
and again I don’t have any Foreign exchange gains (losses)
What you are showing is actually what I did expect to see