When checking the reports “Profit and Loss Statement (Actual vs Budget)” and view a report, the report doesn’t show profits or losses anymore. What is shows is that there is a “Foreign Exchange Gains (Losses)” line above all transactions that eliminates all profits/losses with the “net profit (losses)” being 0 on all reports.
This has something to do with either:
- Your use of exchange rates
- The setup of our chart of accounts
- Assignment of foreign currencies to customers, suppliers, bank accounts, etc., or
- Your definition of the Profit and Loss Statement (Actual vs. Budget) report
To get help, you will need to furnish screen shots illustrating the above. The report itself, when properly used, does not produce the result you describe.
We haven’t changed anything in our system and it was working a few days ago.
Now, I checked with another company I have on the same account. I made a new division called “Test”. Then I made a new invoice and put it on the account “Sales” as income… Results are seen here below:
This is how the invoice line looks like:
Chart of accounts:
Below is what is shown if I press the amount for the foreign gain or losses in the profit and loss statement… which shows just the invoice… So, in my opinion, this seems to be a bug…
I underline that I have two companies on the same account (same cloud installation) and they are not connected in any way… Now, due to some system updates of Manager, the functions have changed with those results. No currency exchanges have been updated, no system changes have been done on our side…
Thank you for taking the time to help me out…
Have you defined a base currency?
Have you entered any exchange rates?
It would be much better to show the whole of the edit screen - only showing a part of the screen can hide information which may be useful in explaining what has gone wrong or is missing
At a quick glance, it looks like you have not defined exchange rates.
You have invoiced $ 1,000 but the value held on the Balance Sheet in the customer’s account is zero so there is an loss on foreign exchange of $ 1,000
Yes, both systems have a base currency (one is AED and the other USD).
The USD system has no currency exchange since all transactions are in USD, the other one has several exchange rates. All are valid and working correctly throughout the system.
My first thought was that the exchange rates are faulty, but the curious thing is that in the balance sheet, the amount that is allocated to the foreign exchange profit or losses in the profit and losses report is only the equivalent amount of the profit/loss…
I think it is a system error and I am sure @lubos would figure it out in a minute…
Again, we haven’t changed any currency exchange, base currency or any other setup… Divisions were working and all fine, only now it has changed which means a recent update has caused this, 100% !
As you do not show edit screens with information, I give up - it is more or less impossible to diagnose what is going on with such screen images
It may be clear to you what is wrong as you can see all the information on your screen, all we have have is a few bits and pieces and have to try and guess the rest
@Joe91 is right. No one can help without seeing full Edit screens—not lists. Start with these:
- Edit screen for the customer involved
- Edit screen for the sales invoice
- Edit screen for the report
This was a bug. I was fixing certain edge-case in multi-currency multi-divisional accounting but didn’t get it quite right. The latest version (21.7.23) is resolving this.
Thank you for looking into it and thank you Tut and Joe91 for your efforts… I was sure it was a bug