At the moment we often need to do extensive searches on issues and fixes for Manager operations partially because of the continuous development status of the application. It would be really helpful if in addition to “bugs” a Forum category would be created that only lists and explains issues and their fixes without discussion possibility. The discussions can be under bugs which when fixed becomes also a bug-fix under the Fixed issues category but with only the main issue and the solution provided and not the whole descussion. Thank you.
Bugs are often initially reported inadequately to identify the problem. Frequently, the actual issue is only identified through questions and responses. Eliminating that discussion would, in many cases, leave bug fixes unexplained. So what you are requesting would impose an extra burden that duplicates information already available.
The monthly news letter kind of provide this information on monthly basis.
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I am not indicating replacement of anything, but a conclusion. The original issue + the final solution will reduce the enormous amount of unnecessary duplicate answers. Taje the case of Windows 10 and webviewer as a simple example.
They do, so why not have as a ;ive update category also and let the forum send a monthly / weekly digest of selected categories. Simplifies the work and keeps everything easy to follow.
History suggests that additional places to search will not reduce duplicate questions. Many users simply do not search before posting forum questions. Many times, we see questions that were answered earlier the very same day. In fact, we see questions that were already answered in a topic where a user posts a question.
Sorry, but it would not. Your suggestion would result in more work.