False Corrupt database?

Manager says the file is corrupt, but links created earlier work. Help needed.


You should contact @lubos through the support email address.

I wanted to leave some notes on how to address this issue for the public, but I think I’ll follow your advice and post the solution here once it’s resolved.

Since this file will be uploaded to the cloud edition, it’s crucial to fix the issue.


What I see from the image you showed is that you are trying to open data from the currently opened data. That may be the reason why the manager considers the data corrupted.

Not true. Manager can be open on multiple tabs

You are right,
Does this problem occur for all databases/businesses?
if not, then there is something wrong with your business database.

I have tried on Server Edition v, and there is no similar problem.

But to clarify things, the buttons you are seeing are not tabs. They are links (bookmarks) created for quick access to tabs.

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This also happened to me severally until I had to stop the process. I was trying to import a downloaded company in an attempt to use it to create another company. I tried it thrice with the same result. That’s how I usually create another company before then.
I think something might be gradually developing in manager that may blossom into something serious. It need to be checked now.

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We just suffered the same issue “This business database is corrupted” for one of the businesses that had problems and imported a backup from November 2024. This backup is corrupted (falsely).

We use Manager Server (Ubuntu 20.04) version

I did a new import and now works again. Only noticed that the import of a 100Mb file took ages compared to before.

@discobot we have a account with Manager the free version can’t access it now shows corrupted how do I restore the access pls assist

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

As it says in the message, use import to restore your business from a backup?

You do have backups?

Hi Joe nice to meet you tx for your reply we have no back up

Install again the latest version of Manager from https://www.manager.io/download

You are in serious trouble if you do not often make backups of any essential data be it Manager businesses or word documents. Best practices are daily backups and always creating backups before installing new versions of anything be it the Operating system or the Application such as Manager. Also store off-site in a Cloud data server and on-site on a memory stick besides the hard drive.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

The issue has been resolved. I used the repair option, and although I did not receive any success notification, I was able to proceed with a backup from the same file that previously would not allow it. After uploading the backup again, all issues appear to be resolved.

I’m removing this topic from bugs now.