Facing issues while upgrade from 19.1.15 to latest 20.10.89

I’m facing many issues while upgrading from v19.1.15 to 20.10.89
Following problems I’m facing & I really need help. I’m worried to much.

  1. In the inter account transfer outflow amount is zero.
  2. Issues with Foreign exchange gains (losses), while using older version, I never used exchange rates & I never faced such issue. Now all paid invoices are getting shown under “Foreign exchange gains (losses)”. Please help me OR please tell me how to go back & use older version.

Thank you.

@SuyogKulkarni, you have not given enough information to receive assistance.

First, the outflow amount is not zero. The inflow amount is zero. Your screen shot shows an outflow of 15,000.00. You need to post a screen shot of the Edit screen for this transaction. Obscure any account numbers for privacy.

Second, it looks like you may have the rupee defined as both your base currency and a foreign currency. It cannot be both.

Third, if you want specific help with invoice problems, you will need to illustrate the problem with screen shots of Edit screens for those invoices.

Sir, you are correct. Outflows amount is correct & Inflow amount is zero.

Sir, I’ve added my questions in images. There are three major problem.

  1. Base currency is appearing in Foreign currency & I’m unable to remove it.
  2. In InterBank transfer, inflow for CashAccount appearing zero.
  3. All invoices which are fully paid which are not appearing under “Foreign Exchange losses”

Please help me to fix this problem.
Thank you.

Your first problem is as I expected. You must solve it and the others will probably vanish.

The screen that tells you the foreign currency is linked lists the linked transactions. Edit them.

The cash account does not show status or clearance date because it is a cash account. Clearance is always immediate by definition.

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Sir, when I’m trying to delete “base currency” i.e. INR from list of Foreign currency it shows my all (100%) transactions which are in INR are linked. See below snap. Please advise, what to edit & how to edit. Please guide me.


Sir, Thank you. Because of you, all problems solved. See below snap. Big Big Thank you.
I love this software a lot. Kudos to all team.


Sir, now I found one more problem. Cash at bank is showing correct amounts i.e. Balance Sheet side is correct but in “Profit & Loss” side showing some “Rounding expenses”. See below snap, For Inv#197, I got INR 38,000 against $525 now in the rounded expenses, it shows INR 37,475 as minus rounded expenses i.e. 38000-525 so it’s considering only INR 525 paid. When I edit “payment & receipts” it shows $525 is fully paid. Simply, it’s showing the income amount as 525 & not 38,000 but “cash at bank” shows 38,000. If we check invoice, it shows “paid in full”. Please advise, how to fix this issue.

Only INR 525 shows as credit in Income & 38000-525=37475 is appearing as (minus) rounded expenses in expense tab. But Cash at bank, credit amount is 38,000 only.
@Tut & @lubos Kindly help me. There are too many invoices & before upgrade everything was okay. Please help.

@Tut & @lubos
I’ve created new invoice with amount of $10,000. After that I’ve marked as receipt amount of INR 6,00,000 for the same invoice. I’ve observed that 6,00,000 amount added correctly in the “Cash at Bank” but in the “Income”, only 10,000 added & remaining 50,000 added in the “Minus” rounded expenses. I really NOT understanding why this is happening. Please advise.
Please do the needful. Thank you in advance.

@SuyogKulkarni, despite all your screen shots, you have not shown the necessary information to understand your situation. Your screen shots only raise questions:

  • Does invoice #197 have the box for rounding checked? If so, was that your intent?
  • Did you enter an equivalent amount in INR when receiving money against invoice #197?
  • How did you actually allocate the receipt? (Show the Edit screen. View screens are often useless for troubleshooting.)
  • Do you have an exchange rate set for the two currencies under Settings?
  • What does the new $10,000 invoice have to do with your problem on invoice #197? Apparently nothing. You need to choose one invoice and follow it through your process so other users can understand what is happening, not mix details from multiple invoices.

Hello Sir @Tut, Refer above snaps, I’ve added snaps for EDIT window for Inv#197. I’ve not added exchange rate. I’ve added received amount as INR 38,000 against $525. After that only INR 525 are getting added in INCOME tab while remaining 38,000-525=INR37,475 are appeared as “MINUS” rounding expenses. Cash at bank shows INR38,000 added in the bank.

Can you take remote screen of my PC please. I request you.

This is happened with all my old invoices. Just to cross check, I’ve added new invoice of $10000 just to check & same happened with it too. Please help.

As I said before, your screen shots only raise questions.

No, you did not. You have shown the View screen. You have not shown an Edit screen for any transaction related to this additional problem.

No, I cannot.

@Tut, Sir, Please check all snaps. I’ve added Edit window snaps for Inv#197.

@SuyogKulkarni, you have added three screen shots of the same thing: partial views of the Edit screen for sales invoice #197. The fact that you may have navigated to that screen by different paths is irrelevant. And none show the entire Edit screen.

Sorry Sir but I’m really not understanding. I’ve provided 4 snaps as follows.

  1. Snap of Inv#197 : which shows amount of $525
  2. Snap of Payment OR receipt from “Cash at Bank” : which shows credit amount INR38,000
  3. Snap of Income side : which shows credit amount of $525.
  4. Snap of Rounded Expenses : This is what I see, when I edit Inv#197.
    Please guide me. I know I’m taking too much your time but I’m really worried a lot. Please guide me.

Did you realize that your shots 1, 3, and 4 are all of the same thing?

Start with one screen shot of the Edit screen—the entire Edit screen—of invoice #197.

I looked at the full Edit screen for invoice #197 that you sent by private message. You do not have the rounding box checked. So there should be nothing in the Rounding expenses account related to that invoice. Please drill down on the Summary page on that account and post a screen shot of the transactions contributing to its balance.

If I understand the rest of what you are doing, you have some problems. The first is that you have never entered an exchange rate for USD to INR. But Manager always needs to convert foreign currency amounts to your base currency for financial statements. In your case, it cannot do that, so it is hard to predict what it might do to try to balance your books.

Your practice of entering equivalent foreign currency amounts when recording receipts against sales invoices is fine. But all that does is prevent the program from showing invoices as underpaid or overpaid when exchange rates fluctuate. In other words, that auxiliary amount in USD is simply telling the program that no matter how many INR you received, you are considering the invoice paid in full. Differences will then go into the Foreign exchange gains (losses) account as the rates change. In the absence of any exchange rate, it looks like the program is assuming a 1:1 rate. I believe that shortcomings in the older version of the program were hiding your mistakes. Recent improvements have now revealed them.

I also question your practices related to recording receipts when your customer pays in USD for several sales invoices. I recommend you make several changes in that regard:

  • Put all invoice payments the customer is paying on a single receipt form, using a line item for each invoice. The total amount for the receipt should match the amount deposited to your bank.
  • Do not round. Instead, use the actual exchange rate in effect at the time of the transaction and calculate the exact amount applied to each sales invoice. Show the equivalent USD amounts for each. (The way you are doing it now, because you round everything up, you could end up with more being recorded as deposited than actually was.)
  • Because you are invoicing the customer in USD and receiving payment in USD, consider reposting the money into an account denominated in USD. Then, conversion upon deposits will not be a factor.

@Tut, Sir, I’m fully agree with your post. You nailed it. Older version were hiding my mistakes. :zipper_mouth_face:

Now I’ve followed all your suggestions. I exactly followed the way you told me. Updated all my invoices, calculated exchange rate for each transaction & added it date-wise. To avoid errors, I’ve added exchange rates with 15 decimal points. Example : One INR = $ 0.017395158162983. Now all data is okay. I can say, I understood the software little bit more than earlier. Thank you.

Now there are two minor issues remaining, First, there are 6 invoices which are resulting/showing Foreign exchange losses of 0.01 & Second point, Rounding expenses are 4.35 which are negligible. I’m not understanding how to remove errors of Foreign exchange losses. Please guide me if there is any way. :pray:

Thank you for your help as I was fully tensed. I thought, I’ve lost all data but you explained me very well. :innocent:

@Tut, Sir, I read the topic about Foreign exchange losses & understood the concept.
Thank you. I will ignore 0.01, it’s almost zero. Thank you.