Reports & Summary Mixing Up Foreign Currency & Base Currency Transactions

Good day ,

I can see that summary mixes the amount of foreign and base currency transactions.

For Example

  1. ZAR100,000.00 sale and $100.00 sale are shown in summary as total of $100,100.00 instead of:

  2. using exchange rate to showing assuming exchange rate is 18.71 it should show converted figure of sale as $5,444.88

Please Assist with my request.

It would be good to have an option to tick to show per currency or show per base currency.

If you don’t enter exchange rates, then the default exchange rate is assumed to be 1:1.

I entered the exchange rate in settings but still.

I also entered on Invoice Capturing page

Can you show screenshot where it shows incorrect balance? Let’s drill down into it. There is logical explanation to it.

This is the incorrect

That amount is clickable. Click on it to see how it was calculated.

Like this? It would be ideal to have the converted showing using base currency in this case USD and they when you click it shows that breakdown

OK, you are using an older version. Upgrade to the latest version which makes this more obvious.

This should be Converted to base currency since everything should be reported in base currency. Then when you click it shows the breakdown.

I last updated using How do i update manager software? then lost all my data last time.

Is there a way to keep data and update on linux?

Current Version Thats I am using

You need to upgrade to resolve this issue. Multi-currency is something that has been improved greatly in the past 2 weeks.

Upgrading Manager won’t cause data loss. Manager contains no code that would delete any data. Also, you should be always making backups if using desktop edition.

I am using server version.

Can I have ubuntu update command for the latest version?

Server edition is just downloading the latest version, unpacking and launching ./ManagerServer

Thank you lubos updated and sales correct but tax payable showing original currency and not converted.

The current version I am using now is this one.

I can’t help you with older versions. The reason I’m making you to upgrade to the latest version because it has better implementation of multi-currency and easier to troubleshoot.

The reason multi-currency was improved in the latest version was to make troubleshooting easier.

I am now upgraded to the latest version thats the one I sent screenshot on.