Export to .tsv

I’m possibly a bit “stupid” but I’m having problems with the “Export” function from various reports. It looks like regardless what I do, “negative” values are not treated as numbers but rather as “text” in Excel.

If I just double click the exported file, Excel treats these as per below. I have also tried to “import” in Excel and changed the “File origin” to various formats (ANSI, UNICODE etc etc) but regardless of format I cannot get EXCEL to treat negative figures correctly.

(I’m on MAC OSX and using EXCEL for Mac 2011)

I also have a more “advanced” request for the “Export” function:

Rather than to output a .tsv (or .csv) file, would it be possible to implement a generic spreadsheet export function (I assume the most generic would be .xls or whatever format Google spreadsheet use) so that basic “formulas” are exported rather than just the “result”…? E.g. sums in a “P&L” are exported as a “SUM formula” so that any changes in the exported spreadsheet are correctly calculated…