Error behavior from new custom fields, `Copy to` feature and form defaults

We are using a classic custom field named Contract No. in Sales Invoice, due to the developer’s tendency to abandon classic custom fields we have decided to move to use the “new custom fields” with the same name “Contract No.” and deactivated the classic custom field.
Currently, while copying a sales invoice - with a new custom field contract number - to a new S.Invoice sometimes and not permanently, the data - text - in the n.custom field of the first s.invoice disappeared. This leads to rejecting the invoice by the customer if we did not double check the n.custom field - contract number in the s.invoice before reprinting.
In some cases, the customer needs a new copy from a previous S. Invoice.
another weird behavior also happens when we go back to the first invoice and reenter the same field data again, no trace of the edits appears in the invoice history, which means that the field’s data is still stored from the previous one, but it is not visible.
I hope this error be fixed soon, as using these n.custom fields is very important and one of the contractual terms necessary to fulfill the invoicing requirements between us and the customer.
Besides that, we could duplicate the services on the customer if we did not find an invoice with some information like “service order number” which is recorded in another n.custom field and had the same error. in some cases, we should double-check the s.invoice search bar for a certain invoice with a specific S.O.number and because of that, we could not find the invoice which misled us to duplicate the costs of services on the customer.
Sorry, we could not illustrate the problem with a screenshot because it was difficult to find the same case for a sales invoice currently.

Just to confirm, what you’re saying is that the custom field value changes without user input and this is all triggered by Copy To.

This could possibly be a bug but first we need to reproduce the issue and rule out any user errors.

Please provide more information.

That’s not how History currently works. History does capture the changes in Custom Field but it doesn’t display them. This has been the case ever since History was introduced.

Today, I found three invoices with a blank Contract No. - custom filed - those invoices were copied to new sales invoices today then we discovered that the custom field from the original invoices disappeared, when we back to the original invoice and rewrite the same contract number in the custom filed, the data correctly appeared. so I returned back and changed the contract number but with a different value then I discovered that the History or the registry of this invoice shows the edits as updated only if I changed the original value which disappeared previously but it doesn’t show any update if I refill the field with the original value.
This was not the first time to discover disappearing values from this field but today I noticed that the three invoices were copied to new sales invoices certainly and I don’t know if that happens when we clone Invoices or not.

If you mean that any update on a custom field doesn’t appear as an update in the transaction history, I can say that not true, here is a screenshot for an update on a custom field and recorded as an update in the history of this invoice.

Sorry I read it doesn’t.
You are right. Unless that I can confirm what I said before

Today, we created 10 sales invoices, the text of the same custom fields ‘contract No.’ and service order number have disappeared. the common action between all of these invoices is that we created the first one, then used copy to a new sales invoice, etc.
I think the problem is in the copy to features only so, we decided to stop using copy to until we make sure this behavior is fixed, Now I do not trust my previous transactions data and really we’re lost here!!
I’ve tried to make a demo business to reproduce this behavior but everything is fine in the demo. does that mean we have a problem with our business file?!
@lubos kindly help.

I can’t reproduce this behavior.

So please provide more information:

  1. Confirm that the cause of this data loss isn’t because of a Batch Update.

  2. The edit screen of the affected Custom Field – Contract No.

  3. The edit and view screen of one of the Sales Invoices before using Copy to . This invoice should have a set value for “Contract No.”

  4. The edit and view screen of the same invoice after Copy to .

Dear @Ealfardan, because I couldn’t reproduce the error in a demo file I tried to record a video for my screen while I doing what you asked here but I can’t upload the videos besides the videos contains personal information so I will send 2 videos links for you in a private message and you will understand what is going.
Excuse me for that, but it’s the only way I succeeded to represent the error.

I could not reproduce the behavior.

However, to summarize, it seems like whenever @Ehab copys a sales invoice, the original invoices gets automatically edited and this causes the data loss.

Please @lubos take a look at this.

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Try to add a custom field - new custom fields - then setup these fields values to blank in the sales invoice form default. Then maybe you can reproduce the behavior.
Thank you @Ealfardan for your precious support, you are a gentleman :rose:
Just FYI, we’ve tried to contact @lubos via private message and email but no response at all until the moment of this reply. This was a very disappointing reaction for us, like never before.

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I can reproduce the issue. It’s fixed in the latest version (