Employee Summary Report issue

i am create employee account and pay advance salary 9000 from payment sestion see on image 2 in 2nd row
then i have pay salary via pay slip 20000 monthly salary and loan advance deduct 3000 and net pay 17000 see on image 5 … 1 issue never show remaining advance amount
same issue image 4
if i have add paid in advance amount for employee then didnt work any functionality

and if open report employee summary then never show any history image 6

please give me proper e.g if i am wrong

image 1)

image 2)

image 3)
image 4)

image 5)

image 6)

image 7)

image 8)

But your image 6 does show the summary. Please understand that the summary just would show you the totals over the period not a breakdown (that would be a detailed report not a summary).

Ok where is detail report ?

There is none.

You can have Payslip Totals per Item and Employee reports. These give you details per employee over the time period that you indicate.

The report gives Gross pay, Total deductions, Net pay, and Total contributions per employee for a given period.

no same issue

There is no issue with Manager, there is an issue in what you want. Maybe searching the Forum for custom employee reports may provide answers. All the best.

i am describe everything …i need solution or i have mistake then you give me proper guide …
custom report didnt provide line line transaction

Employee summary only summarizes payslips. Maybe the report name is unfortunate because you expect payments to employees to be included in this report.

give another option… employee advance salary pay via pay slip

@lubos waiting for your reply

Please Be Patient @hussainiii .
check if this Satisfies your Req.

@Omnipotent.inc thankz we will try please give me edit screen shot then i will implement on our system

hello @hussainiii
The Report which i had Posted before may not be usefull when Any other Transaction will Posted in Business.
After that i have Created New test Business And Post All the data Given by you And then used the inbuilt reports and found that they satisfies your req.
Here are the Screenshots:-