Dutch VAT return: BTW-privégebruik

For someone with knowledge of the Dutch tax system do these calculation have any obvious errors

{% assign 1a_grondslag = netSales[BTW_21] | default: 0 | floor %}
{% assign 1a_omzetbelasting = taxOnSales[BTW_21] | default: 0 | floor %}
{% assign 1b_grondslag = netSales[BTW_6] | plus: netSales[BTW_9] | floor %}
{% assign 1b_omzetbelasting = taxOnSales[BTW_6] | plus: taxOnSales[BTW_9] | floor %}
{% assign 1d_omzetbelasting = taxOnSalesMinusTaxOnPurchases[BTW_privegebruik] | default: 0 | times: -1 | floor %}
{% assign 1e_grondslag = netSales[BTW_0_verlegd] | plus: netSales[BTW_0_vrijgesteld] | plus: netSales[BTW_21_verlegd] | plus: netSales[BTW_6_verlegd] | plus: netSales[BTW_9_verlegd] | floor %}

If this (the calculations form the current Concept BTW Aangifte) look reasonable. Then printing out your input data to the Concept BTW Aangifte is probably going to help debugging as it would enable reproducing the error (ie it shows the interface between your Manager business & the localisation, separates out purchases & sales, and shows what other tax code results are in case there is an interaction).

To print out the input data go to

  • Settings → Report Transformation → Click on Edit button for “Concept BTW Aangifte”

  • Scroll down to the “Layout”

  • Insert four new rows, see here

  • Copy / insert the following code (which will print out the total for all of the tax codes used in your business).

  • Click on the update button at the bottom of the transformation edit screen

  • View the “Concept BTW Aangifte” which should now also show the input data.

Note when you update the Concept BTW Aangifte, these debug changes will be overwritten by the new official version.