Display Tax amount when creating reciept

When creating a invoice, payment or receipt it would be nice to see the tax amount and the total, not just the Subtotal

Is there and option for this? if not, it would be a nice feature to add.

That way I could make sure the amount is correct before finishing.

If you talking about individual items tax amount details then u need write ur own custom code.
It isn’t possible in normal way.

I am thinking total tax of the receipt or payment.

like this


The solution is already provided. Activate tax options from setting. Choose tax slab from drop down menu in receipt page.

I was thinking something like this.

Screen Shot 12-06-19 at 12.18 PM

Which country u from so I can download the tax files n reproduce the issue

Costa Rica

There is no issue to reproduce @manishkumarshivam. That is just the design of the program.

Could we get this moved to the ideas category, or is there a reason for not showing the tax amount and the total.