Is there any way to display a custom field from an inventory item as a column on selected purchase or sales forms (specifically, a purchase order)? Is this something that could be considered for the ideas category?
We import most of our inventory items. Many of them are repeat orders, and are specific to our industry. It’s not always easy for our clearing agent to determine exactly what the items are from their descriptions on the purchase invoices and therefore what the applicable duty tariff codes are. So, I’m thinking about including the tariff codes as a custom field on the inventory items. I would then want to be able to create a purchase order in Manager that shows everything we’ve ordered with the corresponding tariff codes. We would give this to our clearing agent to save them the task of re-checking the codes for every order, and hopefully save some time and reduce the risk of errors and penalties if they incorrectly classify something.
In a test business I have created a text custom field and set its placement to Inventory Item
and Purchase Order - Line
I have put some data in this field in the inventory items’ definitions:
However, when I create a purchase invoice, the field appears as a column but doesn’t populate it with the data from the inventory item definition: