Is there any users whose got the same issue as mine ? For the Invoices Number that been linked in the Delivery Note / Goods Receipt dissappeared as if it never been linked to the DN / GR. Mine is missing since Mid of 2022 transactions till today. Happened since the cloud update.
It’s blanked in the GR Module summary dashboard
The view showed that Order Number and Invoice Number been linked.
The History showed it’s linked.
When I click the edit both for the order number and invoice showed optional as if not selected.
This is what happened with my Delivery Notes and Goods Receipt.
Looks like this happened long ago but you just noticed this. I dont have much experience with old versions of Manager. But look like you had these DNs from time when orders DNs and invoices werent connected to each others. I think previous Order no and Invoice no fields were converted to Custom fields which you currently have not the new ones.
Btw this shouldnt make much difference. Why are you worried about this?
Of course I’m worried, since so many times the customer asked / from our side to reconcile with the vendor for certain order how many invoices were generated and what’s the delivery notes / goods receipt for that invoices.
My team linked manually all of them when @lubos introduced the features.
I don’t know but history shows no updates to those two fields.If your team manually linked all of these then it should be shown in history.
One thing I would suggest to batch update all DNs and GRNs if the Order no and Invoice no displayed in those 2 fields are exact match to the reference no of orders and invoices to which you want them linked. Then it could be done by just copying value from one column to another. Try this on a separate backup if everything worksout you can copy those two column and key from spreadsheet to the actual or another backup file whatever u prefer.
If there is a difference between the actual reference no and reference no mentioned on DNs or GRNs then you have to do it manually.
Do you have any idea why there are 2 columns beside reference at the top ? I found it on the Delivery Note this kind of cases as well. I think there’s something wrong when you guys update the inventory module and so on. @lubos
I gave you this 2024 transaction from DN.
The red circles I’ve got no idea why the invoice number box showed besides the reference box ?
I’ve tried to create a new DN and there’s no box other than the scroll down optional of invoices.
I think these two fields next to reference are those old fields on Delivery Notes.
Not sure but i think previously Order no and Inovice no on Delivery notes were just open text fields not linked to anything. And you have these fields on previous DNs.
It’s 2024 transaction which already current version before the updated.
Have you performed any Batch update operation recently?
If yes then you have mixed the Old Order number and Invoice Number fields with the new Sales Order and Sales Invoice field. You have pasted the info in the wrong columns. As these old one are not visible but only through Batch update. So thats what i think happened.
When new fields are empty and old ones contains data then old ones becomes visible.
Nope, I haven’t done any batch update operation recently especially on DN and GR. Never been touched the batch update for other than Inventory Module.
Then you must have Cloned (or copy to feature) an old transaction at any level in the Sales/Purchase workflow which have caused this thats why there is no history of any modifications.
And this info is saved in database so i dont think any update have caused this and also it didnt happen to any other user. So these two are the only possibilities i can think of either batch update/create or clone/copy to.
You can correct this using Batch update which i have suggested above. Do take some backups before trying.
I’ve batch updated the Delivery Note, somehow so many transactions still doesn’t linking to the Sales Order. On the Sales Order the Qty Reserved doesn’t showed up the delivery note.
Go to batch update and select those DNs where order or invoice no is missing.
Copy to clipboard and then paste in excel or other spreadsheet
The two new fields sales order and sales invoice which i previously mentioned in the picture is where you would paste the actual reference no of order or invoice to which you want it to link to.
A tip. Those reference no might be present in the old fields so you can copy from those columns and paste in new ones. But if there is a difference then it won’t work.
I did it already, I’ve cleaned up the data. Still not showed up On the Sales Order the Qty Reserved
Sales Order and Sales Invoiced linked.
Qty Reserved still no changes
When I check the sales order history it showed all the transaction that been batch updated not to the specific SO.
Show edit screen of a delivery note which was not linked previously, now linked but doesn’t decrease qty reserved.