Do you buy your inventory in bulk and re-package into 25/50 kg bags or do you buy in ready packaged bags?
If you buy in bulk and re-package then you should be using Production Orders which converts inventory from one type in to another - loose to package, read here Manager Guides
Therefore inventory #1 - Bulk, would be purchased in kg but then converted to inventory #2 - Packaged 25 kg bags or inventory #3 - Packaged 50 kg bags. So then you are selling the package size x number of units.
If you are purchasing already packaged units, then you are selling the same packaged units. It doesn’t make sense to buy packaged units and sell them as kg.
Why? Is each of these qty lines an inventory item, if yes, then why not price each line instead of only pricing the total qty. Can you provide a screenshot of an invoice. [quote=“hexis75, post:1, topic:5139”]
I think the above mentioned options are vital for companies selling products in different packages
Selling products in different packages just requires each package size to have its own inventory item.
How could this be achieved without the entire Manager Inventory system being re-written as the current logic as used by thousands of Manager users is “qty * rate”, not “size * qty * rate”. It would be far simpler to arrange your inventory in accordance with unit (selling) size rather then total qty size
This discussion is similar to Invoice template for plywood business - #14 by mkrawat, where product size was trying to be added to qty * rate.