Custumer Tab | Business Identifier

Can you please update Customer - Business Identifier is suddenly disappear.

See post by @lubos
Supplier Business Identifier plus inclusion on Tax Reports - #7 by lubos)

In the latest version (21.11.66), I’ve removed generic Business Identifier field from customer form. Generic business identifier field is not the direction I want to take.

Instead, country-specific custom fields should be created (ideally on localization server so it will be automatically available to all users).

Then this custom field should be leveraged in country-specific reports.

Any existing Business Identifiers have been addded to the Billing Address.

Thank you for quick updates.

It is also requested, if such changes are planned should be informed well in advance.

It does not alter anything as far as I can see. As another user like you I also would prefer to be informed about changes much earlier, but not doing so has been practiced well before I started using Manager and this Forum so I guess that one just has to accept that.

We were using BI as Unique ID on a printed documents circulated to Customer, based on which bank used to receive funds on that unique ID; suddenly it disappears today. This leads to a challange in triangular activity. Now we have to manage the situation and find out the solution as you have connected us to @lubos guidance.

@Rajwani, not sure if I understand how you use the BI. The BI is specific and unique to each customer. No customer can have the same BI. As mentioned whenever you have entered a BI before the field disappeared yesterday the BI content is added to the Customer Billing address.

@eko it is possible that users customize documents where they have displayed the business identifier using its unique id. Such users would be affected even if Manager appended the business identifier to the address field.

Ok, thanks for explaining but given what was explained so far do not think this is the case here.

You are right. I had to make a custom field, cut and paste all my clients BI to the custom field and adjust all my custom templates. This sucks!

Batch update??

This is not possible