Customer invoice sorting product wise

how to know what customer purchased from date to date,
LIKE CUSTOMER 1 buy many things between 6 months, We need to know what they have purchased between Jan 2020 to Dec 2020,
We have no option, you have an option in reports which is good,
|Inventory Quantity Summary|
|For the period from 1/1/2021 to 15/2/2021|
but to know - what product sold to whom and also what customer purchased when is very important,
Please give these two reports.

Have you looked at the Sales Invoice Totals by Customer report?

Dear Manager Team, Please note that everyone needs to know sometimes that what products sold to customer a or customer b from time span a to time span b, there is no facility that we can see this right now in manager, Please make it possible to see product wise, what is sold to whom and in number of product units like
soap a sold to customer b from JAN 2021 TO TODAY = 2500 PCS.