I am trying to create a custom report to simply show my customer list for CRM use. I have potential customers entered into the DB who have not had any transactions yet and I can’t get them to show in my report. I have tried reporting on “customer” and “contact” to no avail.
Custom reports depend on transactions. Manager is not an effective CRM tool, nor does it claim to be.
Understood. Thanks…
The only way to extract the customer info is to copy the information using batch update into a spreadsheet, delete unnecessary columns and import that in your CRM package. Vice versa export new data from your CRM package into a spreadsheet but in this case you need to format the information as required by batch create (NOT batch update). You can then add that using batch create.
Thanks eko! This is sufficient for my needs. I created a custom field called “Notes” for my customers and needed a way to see ALL my customers (with or without transactions) to filter for a specific note. The spreadsheet option works just fine for the need. It would still be nice to have this basic function within Manager considering it is a DB (I’ve used MSAccess) at its heart and access to its various data tables would greatly increase its flexibility and uses. Thanks again! You solved my problem…
If you select “Show Custom field as a column” when defining the Custom Field
The custom field will appear as a column in the Customer Tab
and will even be searchable, so that you might avoid having to export the data after all
Glad it works. I just tried to help with the above need as Manager can not really be regarded as a CRM it lacks too many features and barely suffices for accounting purposes (e.g. no grouping of customers, no prospecting, no batch emails, etc).
It advertises itself as a comprehensive free accounting package Full Stop.
Indeed, I have no qualms with it, just tried to help how you can use both your CRM app and Manager by exchanging contacts.
Yes, this is even more convenient. I hadn’t even thought of selecting the show as a column feature! Duh! I had the custom field for inputting the info and didn’t even consider showing it. This and batch update will definitely have their uses. Thanks!
Also, I understand this is not intended to be a CRM. It is great for my layman’s bookkeeping needs, but flexibility is always desirable for those of us willing to learn and tinker with program/app features.