Custom Report filter not working properly

filter with Sales Invoice>> Custom Field >> not include" Cancel"
But result showing "Cancel "

is this possible to allow user to use Old Custom Report and New Custom Report
for us, we had a lot of old custom reports and those are not working well at new version
Thanks for your kind consideration

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FWIW - I haven’t hit the issue of a where clause not working but you are certainly not alone struggling with the new custom reports. While they clearly do some things better (multiple level grouping etc.) they have a much limited scope supporting only a transaction and date range focus…

I too would love to see old reports supported until the new reports can cover more of the things the old could - e.g. non-transaction based queries etc.

@Lubos - I suspect you did some table structure changes here but would it not be possible to create a “view” in the database that equates to the old GL transactions table against which old reports could continue to run?

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Does the last field in your third filter by chance include an invisible character, such as a space? The filters are completely literal.

I suspect it too since the old report that were still visible had so many missed fields. So I put my soul in peace and deleted them all

I’ve esperinced it too. Also there are many issues in sortings… especialy with dates when set as second setting for ordering.

Yep, there is white space and after removing, it’s working well now.