Custom fields in Sales invoice -line

Hi, I’m new to the app and I’m working on desktop version with a testing project to understand how the app exactly works. I’m trying to add a custom field to my sales invoice lines, everything is working fine except that it is always text field even though I’m setting its type as Drop-down list, when I add the exact same field to the Sales invoice however, I don’t get the same issue. Am I doing anything wrong here?

Sales invoice custom field:

Sales invoice line custom field:

Sales invoice page:

I also want to add a fixed amount multiplied by the quantity of the item to the subtotal if the value of my custom field is “Yes”, but I actually have no idea how to achieve this.

Any help is most appreciated.

Please tell us which version of Manager you are using. Recent versions replace classic custom fields with those in the screenshot below, depending on the tabs you added via customize. Just click on any of the yet unused custom fields such as in your case Multiple Value Custom Fields.

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Where can I check the version ? I downloaded the app on March 12, 2023 if that can help.

The version number is at the very bottom of every Manager screen. Manager can be downloaded from Download | Manager and release information is found at Releases | Manager

You can also download from Releases · Manager-io/Manager · GitHub

Seems drop down list is not available yet on line item

CUSTOM fields drop list function is not active - #2 by Tut

My version is 22.3.74

It is available on line items also in the newer versions such as currently available version

I will upgrade to latest version then, but how about the other part of my question ? How can I add a fixed number multiplied my the item quantity to the subtotal if my custom field value is true ?

You should not ask more than 1 question at a time but start a new topic for each question that’s not already answered in the Guides or on the forum.

Okay I will do so. Thanks for help!
