Credit Notes show custom Title

Dear friends
the credit notes shows a Custom Title as " TAX Invoice" in Arabic “فاتورة ضريبة” even If I converted from Arabic to English language it the same as shown in photos!

the Edit screen as following

and one more thing I noticed that there are Four Cridet Notes and the tab shows only one

I use Cloud Virsion number 21.3.51
so can any one help

I do not think that Manager translates Custom Titles when you change language.

Only the fixed text in the system is translated.

Either combine the english and arabic title into the one Custom field or use a custom theme and put the code into it to translate the title

if you see the Edit screen the option of custom title does not exist
so I did not add custom title to Credit Note

If you go to
Setting → taxcodes

For any if your taxcodes Have you set “custom credit note title” ?

See this note in the guide Change a form title | Manager

and this one Create and use tax codes | Manager has some information on Custom Titles

thanks for your replies
I chicked the Tax Codes there was custom titles and removed 3|690x314
my coleage edited them recently
every thing good now :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: