I donât know how many different ways it can be explained to you - you canât assign tracking codes to Accounts Receivable payments (receipts). The tracking code field on the Receive Money screen is for Cash Sales - Income processing transactions, not for settlement payments of Sales Invoice transactions.
The tracking code for the income transaction was assigned by you on the Sales Invoice, you canât re-assign a tracking code when the payment (receipt) for that Sales Invoice arrives as that creates a conflict.
EG: The Sales Invoice has an Item assigned to tracking code A. The payment (receipt) arrives a month later for that Sales invoice and during the Receive Money is assigned to tracking code B - where does the income get posted to ??? Does the Sales Invoice or the Receive Money control the tracking code ???
NO, an opening credit balance is a Balance Sheet item and has absolutely nothing to do with income, tracking codes, P&L or cash basis accounting.
As advised previously, your basic solution is to issue two invoices with separated receipting and if you canât issue two invoices then you canât not have apportioned receiptingâs.
Itâs noted in your earlier post that you are a CPA, therefore you more then most Manager users would have a much greater understanding of the fact that Sales Invoice payments (receipts) are purely a Balance Sheet transaction - a transfer between Accounts Receivable and Bank/Cash accounts and as such any attempt to link such a pure Balance Sheet transaction to some form of P&L reporting seems incomprehensible.
Furthermore, being a CPA, you should also have a clear understanding that cash basis accounting can only report to the P&L what the source income and expense transaction documentation has determined after they have received a complimentary cash transaction. The cash transaction itself canât impose if its income or expenses, only the source documentation can do that.
However, if I am wrong, could you please quote, via a return post, the applicable accounting standard or other recognised accounting authority supporting your position as I would like to add them to the reading list for when I next lecture accounting honour degree students.