How can I create the custom reports?
What sort of report do you need to generate? I’m continuously improving it and there is currently no documentation for schema as it’s still changing quite often.
I want to generate simple income and expense report of the day for cash and bank and starting and closing balance of cash on one page.
You can create a P&L Statement on cash basis and a Cash Summary report for one day.
I would like to be able to do BUDGET v ACTUALS in a report please
Also, a combination of reports to design a one pager with:
eg Receivables
Sources of income by Department
Expenses by Department
Balances in cash by Department.
Manager currently has no budgeting capability. See the Roadmap at Free Accounting Software | Manager.
You can currently do everything else you ask with tracking codes. That information would be available on a Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet. If you want something more customized, you will have to design it yourself with custom reports, which are partially functional now.
Yes, I would like to learn how to do Custom Reports but cannot find any help.
Another thing: when setting up the sequence of presentation of items on a P&L Stmt ie in Chart of Accounts and assigning a Code, I have just been entering 1, 2, 3, 4 etc for the order of presentation. IS that correct?
Custom reports capability is a work in progress. Documentation is very sketchy at present.
You can number accounts as you wish. One concept is to use a more standard 3 or 4-digis account sequence, for which you can get ideas on the web. But 1, 2, 3 also works fine.