Create batch invoices


Are we able to create batch invoices?


Yes. Read the Guide: Use Batch Create and Batch Update functions | Manager.

Hi Tut, I only see the “export button” on the invoice page.

Which version of Manager are you using and on which Operating System?

Manager 16.1.0 on windows 10

That’s very old software. I’m not sure of the upgrade path to the present version available here Often very old Manager files aren’t compatible with the current Manager versions, so one needs to upgrade in stages.


That is a version of 2016. We are now in 2022. Uninstall and download the latest version from Download | Manager

Note that if you use windows 32 bit that you download that version from the page show by clicking Alternative download (is suitable for 32 bit Windows OS)

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Thank you for your help

@joeyang, your software is so many thousands of versions behind that the conversion script will not update your data file. You will need to update in stages. See this thread: Business database not valid, desktop version on Windows 10 - #2 by lubos

Can someone please help? What am I doing wrong? Manager does not import the Purchase Invoice AMOUNT! THANK YOU SO MUCH.

IssueDate DueDate DueDateDays DueDateDate Reference OrderNumber Supplier PurchaseQuote PurchaseOrder Description Lines.LineNumber Lines.Item Lines.Account Lines.BillableExpenseCustomer Lines.BillableExpenseSalesInvoice Lines.CapitalAccount Lines.SubAccount Lines.Employee Lines.SpecialAccount Lines.FixedAsset Lines.IntangibleAsset Lines.LineDescription Lines.CustomFields Lines.DateCustomFields Lines.NumberCustomFields Lines.Qty Lines.PurchaseUnitPrice Lines.CurrencyAmount Lines.DiscountPercentage Lines.DiscountAmount Lines.TotalBeforeTax Lines.TaxCode Lines.TaxAmount Lines.Total Lines.Project Lines.Division PurchaseInventoryLocation HasLineNumber HasLineDescription Discount DiscountType AmountsIncludeTax WithholdingTax WithholdingTaxType WithholdingTaxPercentage WithholdingTaxAmount HasPurchaseInvoiceCustomTheme PurchaseInvoiceCustomTheme HideBalanceDue ShowTaxAmountColumn HasPurchaseInvoiceFooters ClosedInvoice AutomaticReference DateCustomFields NumberCustomFields Key
02/04/22 Net 931 935eeabc-4e73-426c-9fd1-c6438301590f 1853 db0cf0be-ac82-443d-8226-077ee7431d03 3,660.73 - - - d334fe90-65fc-4453-812b-cdddc7c2ee8f FALSE FALSE FALSE Percentage TRUE FALSE Rate 0 0 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
01/04/22 Net 932 935eeabc-4e73-426c-9fd1-c6438301590f 9762 db0cf0be-ac82-443d-8226-077ee7431d03 5,786.09 - - - d334fe90-65fc-4453-812b-cdddc7c2ee8f FALSE FALSE FALSE Percentage TRUE FALSE Rate 0 0 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
31/03/22 Net 933 935eeabc-4e73-426c-9fd1-c6438301590f 1597 db0cf0be-ac82-443d-8226-077ee7431d03 309.90 - - - d334fe90-65fc-4453-812b-cdddc7c2ee8f FALSE FALSE FALSE Percentage TRUE FALSE Rate 0 0 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
22/04/22 Net 934 935eeabc-4e73-426c-9fd1-c6438301590f 0942 db0cf0be-ac82-443d-8226-077ee7431d03 251.70 - - - d334fe90-65fc-4453-812b-cdddc7c2ee8f FALSE FALSE FALSE Percentage TRUE FALSE Rate 0 0 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE

Will it help if you replace the decimal pointer by a comma [,]?
So 3660,73 in stead of 3,660.73.

Unfortunately it did not work. My Invoice looks like this when created

You are probably missing a key data in your Batch Update file

I suggest you create a model invoice in Manager and use Batch Update to see what information is where

Use this to properly enter the data into your Batch Create worksheet

Are you trying to enter invoices with more than one line per invoice?

I did - THANK YOU SO MUCH! Amount had to be in “Lines.TotalBeforeTax” column too. I do appreciate you assisting. New to manager.