For years now I am working with Manager on my Windows - with great pleasure. My son is also working with Manger on my advise. He owns a Macbook.
As he had problems with VAT, I helped him with startin to download the lastest version (21.1.54) for both machines.
I was surprised that the Apple version did not have a Concept VAT report. Also the other VAT report ‘TAX summary’ or in Dutch ‘BTW overzicht’ did not show any figures for purchases; only the sales part showed figures.
I loaded the data into my Manager - Windows version , but the outcome was the same.
So is there a problem with this Apple version? or did we forget to configure some strange settings here?
Read the Guide: Add localized settings and features | Manager. Localizations already in place will be updated when you update. Localizations not yet activated must be imported first. So you and your son will have different experiences on different machines.
@Tut, Thanks for your swift answer.
Yes indeed we found this report and loaded it.
That’s one issue solved.
Now the contents for this Dutch report.
I do not know who is working on this report but currently it is totally wrong.
I recently ran this report and saved it. When I run it now for the same period figures are totally wrong.
What is the procedure at Manager? Can everybody change this report?
You’ll have to specify what you think is wrong. For me it works correctly.
Only the developer can change the report. There have been some issues in the past. They have been reported and corrected. If you think something is wrong, report it on the forum.
1a reports the puchase VAT high i.s.o. sales high
1b reports the purchase VAT low i.s.o. sales low
Additionally report Tax reconcilliation reports opening balance a totally wrong amount.
Tax on sales reports the purchases.
@Henny, you need to illustrate these things with screen shots. You cannot simply say something is too high without telling us what it is supposed to be and why you think it is wrong. You may need to also post screen shots of Edit screens for transactions you say are incorrectly reported.
This report has been extensively tested and used by qualified Dutch accountants.
Of course:
Here my print from earlier version Manager, which I use for the tax authorities.
Concept BTW Aangifte - KW4 2020.pdf (79.9 KB)
Two days ago I upgraded to the latest version and I got this report over the same period.
Plus Manager gave me a new account Tax Payable, with a total wrong amount.
Concept BTW Aangifte - KW4 2020 - WRONG.pdf (80.3 KB)
How come
Have you used journal entries with a supplier or customer linked to line items?
Manager now uses transaction level specification only of sales / purchase classification not user line item level.
For the current version you will need to specify the journal entry transaction level sales / purchase status.
Read my new topic “Eeerst kekken dan kwekken”.
“Eerst kekken dan kwekken”: done
All seems to be correct.
I found the problem. It seems to be that conversion to the newest version of Manager did disappear my account “Tax Payable” and also my beginning balance. I repaired this and renamed the account to a Dutch name “af te dragen BTW”.
Furthermore the conversion to the newest version also did give all my journal entries “for tax purposes this is: SALES”.
Which is not. it should have been purchase.
Strange that the update to the newest version does not a proper conversion.
However all is correct now again.