Company Seal

How to attached a company seal in the existing themes just below the company name? Please help if anyone knows. very much appreciated.

Are you referring to a business logo? See the Guide: Add or change a business logo | Manager.

If you do not like the position of the logo, you will require a custom theme. See

Themes are written in HTML markup language rendered by Liquid templating language.

If your image is fixed, you can inject the following html element at the place of your choice:

<img src="{insert image url here}" />

A simpler solution is to use a custom field. Refer to this guide for more details:

what i mean to insert the company stamp which should be position below after the name of the company

The Guides already linked provide your answer. You may need to hire a local programmer to write your theme if you do not have the skills personally.

ok thank you

I am doing the same gridlines as per the guide, even though I am the same public image hosting website provided in the guide, but still photo isn’t appearing.

Here is how I enter it in the edit screen:

I tried my own signature link and random photos link and the same error showed below appearing, even if I saved as PDF:

Appreciating the help.

Your URL doesn’t contain a file extension, like .jpg, .png and so on.

So maybe all you have to do is change your URL to:
<img src="">

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It works, thanks

[quote=“Ealfardan, post:3, topic:41667”]
<img src="{insert image url here}" />
[/quote] while printing an invoice the signature (image hosted online) will appear, but when emailing an invoice to a customer the signature isn’t appearing but instead the error in the photo below will show

Am I doing anything wrong?