Column width question on PDFs

In 21.2.76 version if use pdf option in manager then description column width became very small for that it is wrapping the text. and other thing is all the column became equal width it was not there in earlier version.

Can you please illustrate what you are referring to with a screen shot?

047 - Advance Orthopedic Center.pdf (192.7 KB) Invoice 049 - SAI THERAPY CENTRE.pdf (194.7 KB)

please find the this two file in invoice 49, description became very narrow. where as in 47 description column is wide.

Invoice 049 has 8 columns. Invoice 047 has only 5. What do you expect? The only way to make room for more columns is to make them narrower.

You are also using a custom theme. You are responsible for its performance.

Your subject was also edited, since this has nothing to do with printing.

can you please share the coding of this theme ???