Changed Receipts/Payment, importing data

Dear all,

I’ve got a question. In one of the former versions of Receipts/Payments were combined. In a later version these two are split up individual.

My problem
I have N26 as a bank and the only exports they offer are PDFs and CSV files. So unfortunately no MT940 files that can be read by in terms of processing. The generated CSV is of course not compatible either. What I did is modifying the CSV of N26 to the format. Since the split up of the tabs (receipts/payments) this is no longer possible. The same goes for my creditcard provider (ICS) which only supports PDFs. Also exporting PDF data to a workable CSV format of did the trick. However, since the split up I can’t simply process them anymore. Any tips & tricks?

Old format:
Date BankAccount Description Lines.Description Lines.Account Lines.TaxCode Lines.Qty Lines.Item Lines.Amount Lines.Debit Lines.Credit Lines.Discount Lines.TrackingCode Lines.ProposedAccountAmount Lines.CustomFields Lines.DiscountAmount Lines.MemberAccount Lines.BillableExpenseCustomer Lines.BillableExpenseSalesInvoice Lines.Invoice Contact BankClearDate BankClearStatus InventoryLocation AmountsIncludeTax CustomTheme Theme Type Reference AutomaticReference HasPaymentCustomTitle PaymentCustomTitle HasReceiptCustomTitle ReceiptCustomTitle Key

New format:
Date Reference PaidBy Customer Supplier Contact ReceivedIn Status BankClearDate Description Lines.Item Lines.Account Lines.AccountsReceivableCustomer Lines.AccountsReceivableSalesInvoice Lines.BillableExpenseCustomer Lines.BillableExpenseSalesInvoice Lines.AccountsPayableSupplier Lines.PurchaseInvoice Lines.WithholdingTaxPayableSupplier Lines.Employee Lines.CapitalAccount Lines.SubAccount Lines.SpecialAccount Lines.FixedAsset Lines.IntangibleAsset Lines.ExpenseClaimsPayer Lines.Investment Lines.Description Lines.CustomFields Lines.Qty Lines.UnitPrice Lines.AutoUnitPrice Lines.Amount Lines.CurrencyAmount Lines.TotalBeforeTax Lines.TaxCode Lines.TaxAmount Lines.Total Lines.Project Lines.Division InventoryLocation LineDescription QuantityColumn UnitPriceColumn AmountsAreTaxExclusive FixedTotal FixedTotalAmount BalancingAmount CustomTheme ReceiptCustomTheme AutomaticReference CustomTitle ReceiptCustomTitle Key

Date Reference PaidFrom Status BankClearDate Payee Customer Supplier Contact Description Lines.Item Lines.Account Lines.AccountsReceivableCustomer Lines.AccountsReceivableSalesInvoice Lines.BillableExpenseCustomer Lines.BillableExpenseSalesInvoice Lines.AccountsPayableSupplier Lines.PurchaseInvoice Lines.WithholdingTaxPayableSupplier Lines.Employee Lines.CapitalAccount Lines.SubAccount Lines.SpecialAccount Lines.FixedAsset Lines.IntangibleAsset Lines.ExpenseClaimsPayer Lines.Investment Lines.Description Lines.CustomFields Lines.Qty Lines.UnitPrice Lines.AutoUnitPrice Lines.Amount Lines.CurrencyAmount Lines.TotalBeforeTax Lines.TaxCode Lines.TaxAmount Lines.Total Lines.Project Lines.Division InventoryLocation LineDescription QuantityColumn UnitPriceColumn AmountsAreTaxExclusive FixedTotal FixedTotalAmount BalancingAmount CustomTheme PaymentCustomTheme AutomaticReference CustomTitle PaymentCustomTitle Key

In the ‘old format’ the field ‘Type’ distinguished between a receipt or payment. In the ‘new format’ this field is entirely vanished and new field have been added.

Is there any way I can simple use the old technique? If not any thoughts how I could simplify my CSV struggle? The fields from the N26 CSV are complex (Date, Payee, Account number, Transaction type, Payment reference, Category, Amount (EUR), Amount (Foreign Currency), Type Foreign Currency, Exchange Rate) but needs to be converted to a understandable format for both receipts and payments. Perhaps a CSV to MT940 converter?

Thanks a lot,

Your attached PDF files were deleted. They were unnecessary and represent a security risk for other users.

No. And you don’t need to. Manager will handle a .CSV import as long as the format is correct. The program will automatically distinguish receipts from payments (deposits from withdrawals). Follow the Guide exactly: Be sure you actually create a .CSV file, not a spreadsheet file. Make sure your date format matches, columns are in correct order, and no extra information is included. All amounts must be in the currency defined for your bank account.

Note that .CSV imports often produce incomplete transaction entries. But so do other formats, because standards are insufficient or poorly followed. Remember, banks have no incentive to make data available to you in a compatible format.