Change Heading

Hello - I am using the Desktop version and would like to change the heading ‘Invoice’ to ‘Invoice/Receipt’ or ‘Receipt’ is this possible and if so how do I achieve this. Also I would like to be able my signiture to the bottom of the Invoice.

If you are recording cash sales, why not record them directly under Cash Accounts tab as Receive money transactions?

I have chosen Sales Invoice as I need to know want the received money is paying for

Not sure I understand. Sales invoices are for credit sales. For cash sales, just use cash receipts.

This is determined by account selection and entry of descriptions, not be whether the transaction is recorded as a cash receipt or sales invoice.

If I use the Cash Sales will I be able to record what the money was received for as this is a Not for Profit Club we need to know such things a Membership Renewals, Sale of items, raffle money etc.
I assume that it is not possible to change the heading ‘Invoice’ to ‘Invoice/Receipt’ or ‘Receipt’
Also I would like to be able to add my signiture to the bottom of the Invoice can this be done.
With regards to information that is inputted where and what is the name of the file and the extension used.
Look forward to hearing from you Garry

What ever income account allocations you can use under Sales Invoices, you can also use under Receive Money. When viewing the transaction you get a Receipt to print

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@Brucanna has shown you the answer to this question. The reason is that invoices and receipts are two very different things in accounting. The first is for a sale on credit, the second documents that you have been paid. A sales invoice almost always results in a later receipt.

Do this with custom fields. Search the forum. There have been several threads on that very topic.

Click on About Manager in the top menu bar. The location of your accounting file will be shown. If you navigate to that folder, there are several files. The biggest should be your main data file (at least once you have a few transactions). The extension is .manager.