Challenge in posting Batches of Receipts and Payments

Hello Team,

I have been trying to post receipts/payments using the batch operations option in Manager, but this has never being a success story. I am trying to follow all the procedures but in the end, the batch rejects to apply because some of the columns do not capture the right information rather remain blank.

Can someone assist me on this please?


And how do you want anyone to help you with this little information? You should at least show screenshots of the edit screens and the resulting screen.


Thanks for your responses @Mark ,

Please see below screenshots of the movements and the results

Can someone please assist, I have a number of daily sales transactions that i have to pull from a POS and feed in my Manager. So, its a challenge to start posting one after another while per day they count to 300 transactions. It’s a restaurant business and so you can imagine how hectic that can be

Just post a Daily Summary - why is there a need to post all transactions individually

Yeah, that is what I need to be doing, so the challenge is on how to successfully post this batch @Joe91

Just manually post one transaction with the total for the day - there is no need to use batch posting

I presume your POS system can produce a daily total

Yes, it can produce a daily total but, I will need to affect my inventories. So, I need to know how much quantities have been sold and what is still in stock @Joe91

Try using Code instead of Customer Name for the Customer field. Or Use UUID. and check your Number Format. Use batch update to get the appropriate number format.

Thanks @Mabaega , I have tried as per your recommendations but it doesn’t work yet.

Someone to assist please…

You entered Items, customers, received in accounts and everything as Text. Batch imports doesnt work like this.

You have to enter the code / reference or the UUID(Outlined one) of an account/item/customer or anything to make Manager recognize it. Like you customer code is 1 so you have to enter 1 in customer code on spreadsheet, no names.
So you followed wrong procedure thats why its not wokring.

Thanks @shahabb , let me try to do it the way you advised it.

So, how do i get the account/item/customer code for each? As i try to fetch them but in the code field as shown in your screenshot, no code or UUID can be found at least from my interface.

You have to give codes to your accounts by yourself. If not then use UUID of account (every account/transaction got one). The circled out is UUID. Its grey in color so not clearly visible. select it and copy it.

Thanks @shahabb