Good day i am struggling to import the *CSV file
Headers & formats are correct.
Receiving this error
Header with name ‘Date’ or ‘Transaction Date’ or ‘TransactionDate’[0] was not found. Header with name ‘Amount’ or ‘Credit’ or ‘Credits’ or ‘Credit Amount’ or ‘Net’ or ‘In amount(R)’[0] was not found. Headers: ‘DATE’, ‘REFERENCE’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘AMOUNT’ Headers: ‘DATE’, ‘REFERENCE’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘AMOUNT’ Headers: ‘DATE’, ‘REFERENCE’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘AMOUNT’ Headers: ‘DATE’, ‘REFERENCE’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘AMOUNT’ If you are expecting some headers to be missing and want to ignore this validation, set the configuration HeaderValidated to null. You can also change the functionality to do something else, like logging the issue. IReader state: ColumnCount: 0 CurrentIndex: -1 HeaderRecord: [“DATE”,“REFERENCE”,“DESCRIPTION”,“AMOUNT”] IParser state: ByteCount: 0 CharCount: 38 Row: 1 RawRow: 1 Count: 4 RawRecord: DATE,REFERENCE,DESCRIPTION , AMOUNT
Format of the *CSV file