Cash Book Import

Good day i am struggling to import the *CSV file

Headers & formats are correct.

Receiving this error

Header with name ‘Date’ or ‘Transaction Date’ or ‘TransactionDate’[0] was not found. Header with name ‘Amount’ or ‘Credit’ or ‘Credits’ or ‘Credit Amount’ or ‘Net’ or ‘In amount(R)’[0] was not found. Headers: ‘DATE’, ‘REFERENCE’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘AMOUNT’ Headers: ‘DATE’, ‘REFERENCE’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘AMOUNT’ Headers: ‘DATE’, ‘REFERENCE’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘AMOUNT’ Headers: ‘DATE’, ‘REFERENCE’, ‘DESCRIPTION’, ‘AMOUNT’ If you are expecting some headers to be missing and want to ignore this validation, set the configuration HeaderValidated to null. You can also change the functionality to do something else, like logging the issue. IReader state: ColumnCount: 0 CurrentIndex: -1 HeaderRecord: [“DATE”,“REFERENCE”,“DESCRIPTION”,“AMOUNT”] IParser state: ByteCount: 0 CharCount: 38 Row: 1 RawRow: 1 Count: 4 RawRecord: DATE,REFERENCE,DESCRIPTION , AMOUNT

Format of the *CSV file


Is the CSV file comma or tab delimited? We use comma delimited. Make sure that the first line is something similar to:


An example of 3 records including the header is below, try to import that into a test business (create a test business and enable bank and cash accounts, receipts and payments in Customize):

01/04/2022,0,ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE CHARGE,-5388.18
01/04/2022,0,VALUE ADDED TAX,-404.11
01/04/2022,0,TRANSFER BETWEEN CUSTOMERS Via USSD Bank Transfer

Note that you need to have separate lines for each transaction

Thank you for your response

In the past 4 years have always been able to import file type “Microsoft Excel Comma Separate Values File” I am not doing anything different so i am very confused

The headers are correct

Transactions on different


I have uploaded a sample of what i have done in the past but am struggling with now

Please deleted the PDF is a potential user hazard.

It contains:

01 03 2023 NED/C-001 CAUTOWASH GRE5181030003601496 -300
01 03 2023 NED/C-002 C
Makro Germis5181030003601496 -119
01 03 2023 NED/C-003 CARTRACK 674280-145.26
01 03 2023 NED/C-004 Checkers Green377121713647682 -367.78
01 03 2023 NED/C-005 DIS-CHEM GREEN377121713647682 -580.22
01 03 2023 NED/C-006 DIS-CHEM GREEN377121713647682 -443.9
01 03 2023 NED/C-007 DIS-CHEM GREEN377121713647682 -310.95
01 03 2023 NED/C-008 Instant payment fee -49
01 03 2023 NED/C-009 Praise Salary -500
01 03 2023 NED/C-010 Tanje monthly contribution Feb -25 060.23
01 03 2023 NED/C-011 WOOLWORTHS PL 377121

There are space delimiters and the Woolworths one and Tanje one can not be red properly so will create an error in Ecell.

Please change to comma delimited as below and try to import. Correct the Woolworths one.

01/03/2023,NED/C-001,CAUTOWASH GRE5181030003601496 -300
Makro Germis5181030003601496 -119
01/03/2023,NED/C-003,CARTRACK 674280-145.26
01/03/2023,NED/C-004,Checkers Green377121713647682,-367.78
01/03/2023,NED/C-005,DIS-CHEM GREEN377121713647682,-580.22
01/03/2023,NED/C-006,DIS-CHEM GREEN377121713647682,-443.9
01/03/2023,NED/C-007,DIS-CHEM GREEN377121713647682,-310.95
01/03/2023,NED/C-008,Instant payment fee,-49
01/03/2023,NED/C-009,Praise Salary,-500
01/03/2023,NED/C-010,Tanje monthly contribution Feb -25, 060.23
01 03 2023,NED/C-011,WOOLWORTHS PL,377121

@Tanje_Britz, your link to a PDF was deleted because it was a security risk for other users. Post information directly.